Webpage description hijacked!
I'm going through the search engines checking the rank of my pages and posts and came across this monstrosity. Somebody hijacked my webpage's description. I'm wondering if this is what I have to look forward to? How did this happen? Can it be fixed?
I am so upset as anyone would be seeing their hard work just destroyed. Welcoming any suggestions, comments, and answers. The webpage is Inside Computer Cases - Learn computer Basics at http://windowsregistrykeys.com
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This is not by any means your page being hijacked. Google has chosen that to be what displays beside your search result. There is no guarantee that your description is going to be what is displayed when Google indexes your site and this is what is happening there.
Completely normal and absolutely nothing to worry about.
Hmmm! I just had a similar situation on FB. I have a page for My Doggie Doodle and when I tried to add it to a post and use the auto link that pops up when you type a name in, a preview of the page "doodle.com" showed up beneath my post. I don't have an answer but I'm interested to hear what replies you get!
Me too Tmmom. This is very disheartening to say the least. Thanks for letting me know you're there. : >)
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glad Kyle answered it for you all the best
Me too. LOl!