About Westwaters
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533 followers Joined January 2016
I am a retired Sport/Health and Fitness Professional. I enjoy any type of physical activity, including gardening and house projects. I have owned





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have made the changes on the menu pages but would like to know how to get it to appeaar on the home page? Does not show up

Check your theme settings to see if there is any thing mentioned about "Home Page". Sometimes in some themes this setting will allow you to make come appearance changes, etc., in other themes you would need a page builder type plug in to edit home page for things such as adding a slider, etc.

Depends upon your theme being used and its flexibility.
Hope this helps :)

Thanks Jim, I will check that out immediately. Since the changes show up on the Menu pages I figured I somehow screwed up on the original home page setup. Really appreciate your help:-} Kathy

Home page is for blog roll. You can design another page for blog roll if you wish. There are trainings on that issue.

Thank you for your reply. I will go back and look up this information. Even tho I follow the instructional classes carefully, I'm not sure what a
"blog roll" is? Appreciate you taking the time help me.
Warm Regards, Kathy

Blog roll is where your all posts appear by default.

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How do I edit the content on my home page?

How do I edit the content on my home page?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have made the changes on the menu pages but would like to know how to get it to appeaar on the home page? Does not show up

Check your theme settings to see if there is any thing mentioned about "Home Page". Sometimes in some themes this setting will allow you to make come appearance changes, etc., in other themes you would need a page builder type plug in to edit home page for things such as adding a slider, etc.

Depends upon your theme being used and its flexibility.
Hope this helps :)

Thanks Jim, I will check that out immediately. Since the changes show up on the Menu pages I figured I somehow screwed up on the original home page setup. Really appreciate your help:-} Kathy

Home page is for blog roll. You can design another page for blog roll if you wish. There are trainings on that issue.

Thank you for your reply. I will go back and look up this information. Even tho I follow the instructional classes carefully, I'm not sure what a
"blog roll" is? Appreciate you taking the time help me.
Warm Regards, Kathy

Blog roll is where your all posts appear by default.

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