Hi, I would really appreciate some feedback on my site please. I have just added my first blog using links to amazon and would also appreciate any advice or feedback on that als
Great site. If you put bold or italic on some of the titles and words and it will be more pleasing to the eyes.
Good day to you Carla. Wow, you have a really unique and well built website. You have lots of information available to help visitors decide if heels are right for them. I did not see any links, though, to Amazon but of course, I'm a guy so unless it is obvious, I'll miss it...lol
Now I understand why my previous wife had 40 pairs of shoes... Anyway you have a wonderful website. Good luck and success to you!
Feedback wanted on my site please?
Hi, I would really appreciate some feedback on my site please. I have just added my first blog using links to amazon and would also appreciate any advice or feedback on that als
Great site. If you put bold or italic on some of the titles and words and it will be more pleasing to the eyes.
Good day to you Carla. Wow, you have a really unique and well built website. You have lots of information available to help visitors decide if heels are right for them. I did not see any links, though, to Amazon but of course, I'm a guy so unless it is obvious, I'll miss it...lol
Now I understand why my previous wife had 40 pairs of shoes... Anyway you have a wonderful website. Good luck and success to you!
left a comment on your site all the best