States that Do Not Allow Write-In Candidates for President

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Hi, I’m Les Waller, your write-in candidate for President. Today, let's talk about the states where write-in candidates aren’t allowed.

In some states, write-in votes are not counted, meaning you can't run as a write-in candidate. These states are Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, and South Dakota. In these states, your name must be officially on the ballot to be considered.

Why do these restrictions exist? Generally, it's to streamline the voting process and avoid confusion. It may also be so that the write-in doesn't affect the results of the two primay parties. However, this means if you want to run in these states, you need to go through the official ballot access process, which can include petitions, fees, and belonging to a state recognized party.

If you're in one of these states, don’t let this discourage you. Stay informed and involved! Find other ways to help support my campaign.

Follow me for more tips on running as a write-in candidate and making your voice heard.

Thanks for reading this and I'll see you next, when we talk about States that require a declaration of intent.



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Recent Comments


That was my next question, Les. Its unfortunate that they do not allow write in's. Have you been following along on RFK, Jr's efforts to get on the ballot across the country? Very interesting.


Haven't been following it; however, in preparation for my next articles/videos I've been going over each state's requirements and it's practically impossible to have a shot without major backing by people and money. There's so much work that is involved when you have to get set minimum number of signatures to qualify to declare your intent.

Attempted to answer your PM, however I'm blocked, FYI.

Working on finding a solution. Thanks Les.


Kyle wrote: We don't have a facility to unblock, if someone has been explicitly blocked (not at this point). That is a feature we could add, but once a user is blocked we don't have an unblock.

I suppose we could use email:


Maybe you could be in the upcoming Presidential Debates, Les!


That's a nice thought, but right now the only traction I'm getting is on TikTok. I'm putting vidoes out on YT, FB, X, and Instagram and I haven't gotten even 100 views on any of them. Tiktok is getting close to 1000.
If I got some traction in the coming months, I would seriously consider running in 2028.
Right now though, I think Donald Trump has got too much support to even get a shot.

You never know, Les! Sounds like a few good numbers!


We shall see, Jeff, we shall see.

Yes, indeed, Les!


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