How to Stay Productive With Your Online Business Without Getting Overwhelmed


When you're growing an online business, the tasks and goals you set out to accomplish can be a bit overwhelming and this is especially the case if you're building up your online business from multiple branches.

In my personal experience, the goal in being able to manage all of this and not go crazy is to focus on doing 1 (small) task per branch for your online business at a time, while entirely focusing on that, not on how many are left or how many you have to complete in a day.

When your focus is on one small task at a time, I find that my productivity skyrockets and I actually end up getting way more done than if I try to fit everything into a whole "must do today list". Try it out and let me know how it goes for you!

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Hi Vitaliy!

Sage advice! It makes sense to focus on one task at a time and complete it well. It gives you a sense of achievement which motivates you to complete another task. Great video! Thanks for sharing!

Have a productive day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thank you :)

You are welcome!

This is one of those suggestions that needs to be written on a Post-it note and hung in the most obvious places! As someone with ADD, I easily lose focus and get distracted even in a quiet environment. I then chastize myself for not getting done what I was supposed to get done. I then name all the things I need to do, videos to listen to and I then can't see the forest for the trees! What a cycle it can become!
So, without further ado, I will write this one down and post it in front of me at the computer.
Thank you, Vitally!


You're welcome Joyce :)

I totally agree, Vitaliy. Looking at the "whole" of most things that need to get done is overwhelming. Breaking that whole into reasonable chunks removes the overwhelming feeling for me. As well, I get a real sense of accomplishemnt when each small chunk is completed, This give me confidence to go on to the next "chunk.
Thanks for the suggestion and the challenge it brings.

You're most welcome!

This truthfully said,you need organize one after other.
Thanks for this educative info
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I've been saying this to myself for months and even years, but I can't focus for too long on one thing only, that's ADHD for you hahaha! ( I get bored easily ). Wish I could hire more people to get things done.

You can as your business and profits grow Lizzy. But to reach that point takes time and applying that principal I mentioned above will help you get there.

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