Dealing With "False Negatives" With Your Online Business
As we progress in our online business journeys, there will be periods where there is an incline or decline that occurs. When an incline occurs, we feel it'll always continue, and when a decline occurs, the opposite feeling arises but many times those circumstances are nothing unusual and are "false negatives".
In most cases, these up and down waves are totally normal to experience and in just about every circumstance require no changes on your end to keep growing. In my personal case, certain outdoor interests decline around the end of the year (every year) and this leads to more traffic loss, which has nothing to do with my site "tanking" or "failing", it's just the way things are in terms of interest.
So what do I do? I stay the course. I keep making more content, I keep pinning because that interest WILL come back (it always has in the past) and when it does, because I've planted the seeds (new content and work during that slow time), it'll lead to even greater rewards.
Recent Comments
These kind of short videos and blog posts and training is SO very helpful to me to help me keep thinking correctly in my business. I have a long way to go but I love these short encouragements. Thanks Vitality!
I like it, and I agree totally with staying the course.
I appreciate your sound expert experience, Vitaliy! Thank you.
Great advice Vitaliy... nothing in life is constant these days..... only the fluctuations my friend! :-)