Sunday Funday Minions' Humour
It's Sunday Funday today , and I suggest that we go and see what Minions have in store for us.
Doctors can go wrong...
A fancy diet...
Tale things easy...
And here they go pretty serious:
Not all people seem to have thoughts...
Let them sleep...
Just checking attitudes...
A deadly weapon:
Wonder woman
Almost rich...
Still need to write down...
Sweet, lovable...Innocent!...
Have a great Sunday. And remember we all have a bit of Minion in us.(in the third meaning of this word). So don't forget to smile and enjoy your day!..
"Minion1. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.2. A subordinate official, especially a servile one.
3. One who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling.
[French mignon, darling, from Old French mignot, mignon.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved."
Recent Comments
Love them Vera, can see you and I have the same sense of humour lol. I shared another one last night that I thought was good lol.
Thanks for sharing the smiles, Vera! I absolutely love the minions, so I couldn't resist, lol.
Best wishes :) ~Sherry
I LOVE THIS!!! I actually just watched the movie for the first time last night! I was LOLing the whole time!!!
Gotta add this to my favorites.... it's just too important not to save this!!!
Smurfs will always be my #1, but Minions are now a close 2nd. Correction: Bugs Bunny #1, Smurfs #2, Minions #3.
There are no coincidences my dear Vera.....apparently the time has come for me to embrace the fun-loving Minions...granted, they wanted ton evil leader, but they are still loveable.
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Vera, you are a legend, thank you for making Sunday a Fun Day, Sue :)
Oh thanks, Sue...Glad you liked it!:)