I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles, Pretty Bubbles In The Air.
I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air. It is not my intention to give you an 'ear worm' but I needed the title to make some kind of reference to 'bubbles'.
If there are any 'Hammers' fans out there (West Ham United, for those who are scratching their heads, they're a football team and play with a round ball, just saying)
This is a very quick post because the posts I wanted to write will take too long and I just needed to write something now. Honestly, if I began to tell you about the last few days we'd be here until the middle of next week.
Ever wondered exactly what is meant by the phrase 'a month of Sundays' ? Yes, we all know the context in which we use it but have you ever thought about the actual meaning ?
Normally, I would explore that little conundrum but not to tonight Josephine. I have sixty tabs open and they've been there for nearly a week, I haven't even been able to turn the computer off, just been putting it to 'sleep' instead.
Don't worry, this is a temporary lapse and at some point in the not too distant future I will have done away with all the open tabs, scraps of paper and unresolved snags.
I come bearing gifts, or 'gift' to be more precise. I apologise in advance if you already know the little gem of a site I am about to share, it was not my intention to waste your time, it's just that I wasn't aware of it until the other day.
For me, its discovery came at the perfect juncture. I am referring to a site named Bubbl.us
That's right, a virtual mind-mapping program 😲. I had no idea that a place like this existed.
I had been bouncing an idea off one of my sons and as I was explaining it (and going off on tangents galore) he said that it would be a good idea to write it all down, then he mentioned that there was a site where you could create 'mind maps', online.
It's free to use and you don't even have to sign up if you don't want to, just start getting your bubbles down on the screen, write whatever you want in the bubbles and link them together.
I haven't explored it any further than playing with the bubbles to see what you could and couldn't do with them but with my organisational skills somewhat lacking at the present time, I thought I'd better pass this on before it leaves my mind altogether.
Twack Romero
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This is an amazing thing. I am on my way right now to check it out. How much you wanna bet I get stuck there for at least 3 hours?
That's what I thought, I am pleased you found it useful. I haven't had a chance to really use it yet but I will, I love mind-maps.
This would be the perfect time for a 'follow' methinks, good to meet you, Valerie.
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Good methods to work by. We all need to do this at times.
Absolutely, totally agree. Good to meet you, Dave, perfect opportunity for a 'follow'.