Finish What You Started (The Last Two Minutes)

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You see, I wasn't going to write this particular post. I've already played with a couple of titles and explored where they might go. Possibly off on a tangent, as is so often my way. Then I applied myself to the task in hand and told myself to finish what I started and complete the write-up on the six and a half minute video I watched the other day. That in itself is part of this post. Everything's connected.

Going back to the last post, I'd talked about priorities and setting yourself up for the day ahead. It can be part of your routine, a welcome addition and not one that is set in stone. Like today, for instance. My two were to clear all my emails and notifications before all else, which I have done, or I wouldn't be writing, not that you'd know, I suppose. The second is more involved. Without going into details, let's just say I have to respond to about 11k individuals. I have to do this semi-manually, fifty at a time. It's my own fault as I have let it lapse. So, that is my second task for the day. So, named it and shamed it, put my money where my mouth is. Priorities set-up for the day. Everything else is 'gravy baby', as they say.

So, a page and a half left to cover and then we're done with this. It has given me plenty to work with though, took me off on a few tangents, which has actually given me an endless supply of material for one of my dormant domains, so that' nice.

Sometime....When I'm ready...One day....When I have the time...Tomorrow.

Any of those sound familiar ? Of course they are. We all have those internal and sometimes external conversations. It's hard to act now. That's what part of the previous posts was about. Making the decision to do something, actually act on it. So why don't we ?

At this point on the audio, I think the voice belonged to Mel Robbins. I have seen her on a TED talk once, I think. Seems to make a lot of sense but we'll get to that later. For now, I'll reiterate what she said, along with a few bits of my own, just for the lol's

Habit of hesitation, is why we don't act. It's our ability to ignore our 'Gut'. That feeling you get

right at the onset of a decision-making process. Before we know it, our brain has taken over and persuaded us that an alternative option is the one we should follow. That option is normally the safer one, less risky, warm and comfortable.

I know I have ignored that first feeling on numerous occasions and then looked back and thought "If only" Still, no regrets and all that. We do it because our brain has a default, which is to protect us. Makes sense. I think it was in one of Richard Dawkin's books that he explored the theory in connection with evolution. The 'Gene' must go on. That wasn't the title, It was 'The Selfish Gene' or one of his other ones, you might know off hand. Anyway, it does make you wonder more about the phrase 'comfort zone' and why it is so hard to step outside of it.

It goes back to hitting that snooze button, remember that ? You alarm goes off and in that split-second you have a choice, hit the button or get up, the longer you leave it, the more reasons you will come up with to stay in bed. It's warm and cosy, another ten minutes won't matter, I'll get to work on time, I can start my fitness routine tomorrow, yes tomorrow, just another few minutes...yawn.

Tony Robbins talks about 'interrupting the pattern' and Mel Robbins (don't think they're related)

does a similar thing with her '5 second rule' Example in this case would be to count backwards from five to one. This interrupts your habit 'loop' and allows you to take action. It helps if you can qualify your why, at this point. "I am going to get up so I can go for my run (add your own here) " The reasons why you want to do whatever it is, are yours. Get on top of your housework, get to work earlier to prepare for that meeting or presentation, go for that run or do exercise to get fitter or lose weight.

Notice how the 'I AM' joins the party ? I can hear some shouting 'Pop Psychology' at the screen, maybe that's right. I'm up for anything that improves my lot, I haven't had to buy this information and all I have to do is try it, to see if it works or not. If it does then I have gained an invaluable tool. If not, it's cost me five seconds. I like those odds.

As for you and me, our time is up for today. Not sure about you but I thought that went by really quickly. Tomorrow we might add a little science to the mix, a bit of Basal Ganglia, a pinch of Prefrontal Cortex and if we're really lucky, an amount of Amigdala. Deep joy. Probably not though, it all sounds a bit cerebral.

A thought to leave you with.

Confidence is not a personality 'trait'

Confidence is a thought turned to action combined with a willingness to try.

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Oh how I would love to hit the snooze button...just once and decide that it is ok to spend the entire day in bed. I, however, am one of those people that get up straight away, get at it, you know life, obligation, work, serving, caring, doing.

Sometimes I wonder whether just being, may be a better option to the multiple 'doing' I am 'doing' right now. Maybe one day : )

I had a conversation a few months ago, not sure who with, might have even been with myself. It was to do with how certain people through time have come up with so many great 'quotes'. I wondered if they just sat there, like the golden goose, waiting to lay the next golden egg.
My conclusion was that they didn't and that much, if not all, of their inspiration came from their interaction with others and with life in general. Doing, rather than being.

Ok so I am 'doing' here now! We collect these things as we go along. There are the famous ones, but sometimes something will be in a song or a movie and it just stands out. Maybe we are back on that universal message again? Maybe quotes are the universes way of really efficiently giving us guidance or motivation. Or maybe it's just us being humans, copying and repeating other humans doing human.

Why all of a sudden does the word human not look right? hahaha

"We only see the world through our own eyes and not those of others. We get a fascimile of others lives at best, unless we see it and live it for ourselves." Me.

"We only have one life so grow it one step at a time." Tom Short.

"Life was not meant to be easy so do no be impatient to get to the end but make it a positive one." Tom Short.

"A dream is the foundation for action that will lead to success which will encourage the growth of fulfillment to a Quality life." Tom Short.


I need to open a folder just for 'Tom Short Quotes' else I'll be missing a trick. Love them all, thank you.

Another great one Twack! Confidence is instilled by the acknowledgement of your great potential and capabilities by the gracious sharing of those around you.

We all have different and exceptional gifts within us to share.

At WA, perhaps like no other place, we encourage each other to look within and discover those gifts, and then bring them forth to be enjoyed and appreciated by others. When we do, we unlock more and more confidence to carry us forward to our unique goals and achievements.

Love the way you think Twack - you cause me to be introspective, and at the same time realize how I can better express my own gifts and be more confident.

Truly, I would not have thought about this today if you hadn't prompted me. I wonder how many others have the same experience in some small way when reading your post...I'm sure, many. So appreciated.

One of your gifts is "positive instigation".

Thanks and have a great day!
John 😁👍

Hi John, I might just have to print this off and stick it on the wall. You are very kind. You absolutely right that we should unlock our gifts and there's no better place to showcase them, than here. A warm audience that all share the same desire to help each other along the way.
After reading the quote at the end for the first time the other day, it did make me think how true it is. If we're not willing to try then it negates both the thought and therefore any subsequent action.
Sometimes, maybe using the '5 second rule' is all that stands in our way. I'm actually quite excited to try it then next time I have a decision to make or a challenge to overcome.

Thank you for appreciating my thoughts Twack. And I agree about the 5 second rule. So very true my friend - let's try!

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