Select Background Color--Acts like a highlighter. You choose the color it highlights it in.

Select Custom Character--A whole slew of special characters for use in creating text, including Greek letters and playing-card symbols.

Select Text Color--Highlight whatever text you want to change and then click on this icon. Choose the color and degree of shading and your text will become that hue.

Select Text Color--Same as the other one, except that you don't have the choice of shading. The colors are all little boxes and whatever color box you click on that's the color that will be used. Good for when you want absolute uniformity of color in your printing.

Show/Hide Kitchen Sink--The "Kitchen Sink" is all the icons your editor has for you to use. The "Show/Hide Kitchen Sink" icon will make an extra row or two of editing icons appear or disappear. Many times your WordPress Editor will have a line of icons invisible by default; if you seem to be missing some key icons, try clicking on this button to see if they appear for you.

Strikethrough--Your typing will have a line through it, like this.

Styles--Various ways you can format your copy. Most of them already have their own icons in your kitchen sink; they're just listed here in a neat tidy package so you don't have to look for them.

Subscript--Puts teeny, tiny letters slightly lower in the text. Used for things like footnotes or scientific formulas.

Superscript--Puts teeny, tiny letters slightly higher in the text. Used for things like scientific formulas where you need the letter or number higher to complete the equation, such as e=mc squared.


Toggle Absolute Positioning--Will allow you to center or adjust your layered gallery on your page. (A layered gallery is a layer of pictures overtop or in back of your text)

Toggle Guidelines/Invisible Elements--Sometimes the work you are looking at has guidelines and elements in the copy to help create the look you want. They don't show up on the published article, but are necessary when creating the copy, such as a statistical table. Clicking on this button will make them invisible in writing mode so that you have a better idea of what the finished product will look like, instead of clicking on "Preview".



Undo--Undoes the last option that you chose from the text editor. If you made a paragraph show up written all in purple, for instance, clicking on "Undo" will remove the color and return it to it's original color before you made it purple.

Unlink--Remove any link you previously created.

Unordered List--A bulleted list. You have in your Unordered List icon a selection of disc, which is the default (the one that will always show up unless you choose otherwise), circle, or square.


Visual Control Characters On/Off--Shows or removes formatting characters like tabs and spaces.


W3C Markup Validation--A necessary component for website compatibility and usability. For website creators who work in code. Not a button for beginners.

Wrap Selection With Paragraph tags--If you have a huge block of writing and want to create a paragraph within that writing to break up the text, highlight the passage in that text and click this icon. You can accomplish the same thing by simply placing your cursor at the start of the text you want as a new paragraph and hitting "Enter", then going to the end of the desired text and hitting "Enter" again. But perhaps this will feel more efficient for some.

Wrap With <span></span> Tags--Enables you to highlight, test and create different styles within that highlighted portion. Most of what you are doing can be accomplished with the other icon buttons, which makes it unnecessary to know the html codes that you need for use with this icon.

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cassiejr53 Premium
Thanks for this information very useful to many
howmuch Premium
You are very welcome Cassie! :)
MLundrigan Premium
Thank you kindly this is valuable information and very useful to a newbie such as myself.
howmuch Premium
As a relative newbie myself I hoped it would be. thanks for your response, Mike--I appreciate it.
Internetgranny Premium
Many thanks. I am so inexperienced with Wordpress, so this will be useful.
howmuch Premium
I was too, and could have used a quick reference. I actually have it printed out because I keep forgetting what some of the icons do
because I don't use some of them a lot or even at all. Thanks for the comment, Isabella!
Internetgranny Premium
Was just thinking of printing it out too - great minds think alike :-)
howmuch Premium
Lol!--We'll just ignore the second part of that saying...("fools seldom differ") :D
jaymush Premium
Thanks Rowena, I never really thought about it. I didn't know all of these and now I can start using them properly. Jayne
howmuch Premium
Kind of you to say so, Jayne. A lot of them are icons that are added if you put in the Ultimate Tiny MCE plugin, which I personally think is a
must-have for any site. You can read more about installing it and it's uses here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training/a_aid/702740bb

Thanks for your comment!
Kierra1215 Premium
Great stuff!!!
howmuch Premium
Thanks Kierra! Hope it works as a reference resource for anyone unfamiliar with the WordPress icons at their website.