Lorem Ipsum--This is placeholder text of nonsensical strings of letters. It was created to remove the distraction of actual words so you can better concentrate on (or demonstrate) the graphic elements of the document or images you are working on. When you insert an image into your text using your "Insert Media" button or tab, you will see lorem ipsum in the pop-up box when you need to choose the image's placement in your text.


MailTo--Embeds a "Mail To" link in your text. Not a good idea nowadays since the recipient usually gets a ton of spam activity as a result. Add a contact page instead of using this button.

Move Backward--Sends a layer that is in front toward the back.

Move Forward--Brings a layer to the forefront.


Non-breaking Space--Basically it's a way of forcing a browser to keep words and/or images together. If you click on your "Text" tab and look at your html coding you will often see the letters "nbsp;"--that's the non-breaking space code at work. Not terribly necessary for the blogs and websites we use except in more advanced applications because WordPress already puts text and images together in a readable manner.


Ordered List--This is a numbered list. On your Ultimate Tiny MCE plugin, you have a choice of numbers, which is the default setting (that is, they will always be used unless you choose otherwise), or a selection of upper-case alphabet, lower-case alphabet, upper-case Roman numerals, lower-case Roman numerals, or lower-case Greek lettering.

Outdent--Adds a generic increase to the text line.


Page Break--Breaks up the content of a post so the reader doesn't have to scroll down endless full posts just to get to a certain spot. Also good for adding "Read More", but you already have an "Insert More" button for that purpose.

Paste--Just a way of putting copied material into the selected area instead of pressing "Alt" + "v".

Paste As Plain Text--When you want to copy and paste your text into another document setting such as Microsoft Word, you sometimes don't want the headings, fonts and hyperlinks the article contains. Using this option puts the post into the document setting as just that--plain old ordinary text.

Paste From Word--When you copy and paste from a Word document, Microsoft will often use advanced codes that can mess up the formatting. Clicking on "Paste From Word" will clean up the coding and give you a clean text to work with.

Preview Content--Opens your text in a box so you can preview it without the distraction of the editor and dashboard information surrounding it.

Print Content--Self-explanatory. Prints out the content of your post or page from your printer.


Remove Formatting--A quick way of cleaning up pasted and copied text. Just highlight text and click on the icon to remove the formatting.

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cassiejr53 Premium
Thanks for this information very useful to many
howmuch Premium
You are very welcome Cassie! :)
MLundrigan Premium
Thank you kindly this is valuable information and very useful to a newbie such as myself.
howmuch Premium
As a relative newbie myself I hoped it would be. thanks for your response, Mike--I appreciate it.
Internetgranny Premium
Many thanks. I am so inexperienced with Wordpress, so this will be useful.
howmuch Premium
I was too, and could have used a quick reference. I actually have it printed out because I keep forgetting what some of the icons do
because I don't use some of them a lot or even at all. Thanks for the comment, Isabella!
Internetgranny Premium
Was just thinking of printing it out too - great minds think alike :-)
howmuch Premium
Lol!--We'll just ignore the second part of that saying...("fools seldom differ") :D
jaymush Premium
Thanks Rowena, I never really thought about it. I didn't know all of these and now I can start using them properly. Jayne
howmuch Premium
Kind of you to say so, Jayne. A lot of them are icons that are added if you put in the Ultimate Tiny MCE plugin, which I personally think is a
must-have for any site. You can read more about installing it and it's uses here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training/a_aid/702740bb

Thanks for your comment!
Kierra1215 Premium
Great stuff!!!
howmuch Premium
Thanks Kierra! Hope it works as a reference resource for anyone unfamiliar with the WordPress icons at their website.