Check Accessibility--This is used to evaluate content for accessibility problems. You enter a website page or post or upload an html file and it will check to see if there is any error in the code that might be preventing access to the published copy.

Citation--Apparently it can italicize and add quotations to your text and put it in a box but I have no way of checking it out to know for sure as mine doesn't work.

Clker Clip Art Gallery--Clip art at your fingertips. Click on this button, type what kind of artwork you want to see into the subject line ("apples", "fighting" etc.), and it will bring up a selection of clip art for you to choose for your post or page.

Copy--Just a way of copying instead of pressing "Alt" + "c".

Cut--Can be used instead of "Alt" + "C"


Decrypt This Text--Unencrypts a post or page and turns it into plain text.

Direction Left to Right--When you type, the letters appear in their normal typing pattern; that is, from left to right.

Direction Right to Left--This is amusing. When you click on this button and begin typing, the letters start at the right margin and move toward the left. I'm sure it's an application that comes in handy for something but I'm not currently sure what. The words and everything still read from left to right, however--it's not like a mirror image or anything.

Distraction Free Writing Mode--This icon will create a window that is only for writing. The dashboard and everything else will be taken away, allowing you to concentrate on what you are writing. If you want to go back to your standard page configuration you can click on the "Exit Fullscreen" words at the upper left of the page--don't forget to hit "Save" first if you have content!

Div Clear Both--Adds html to your text area to keep text from showing up on both sides of an image when there is also content.

Div Clear Left--Allows user to create custom columns, images, etc. by allowing user to place text or images, etc. in various areas on page. Blocks text from appearing to the left of the image.

Div Clear Right--Allows user to create custom columns, images, etc. by allowing user to place text or images etc. in various areas on page. Blocks text from appearing to the left of the image.


Edit CSS Style--Enables you to change the style of your pages. CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets". This button lets you change the style of the page you are on and make it different from the default settings in your Wordpress theme.

Emotions--Emoticons, of course! Click on the desired emoticon and it will appear wherever you have put your cursor.

Encrypt This Text--Turns your text in cipher code so that it is secure from unauthorized individuals.

Equation Editor--Has mathematical equation symbols not found on a keyboard. If you want to add a mathematical equation to the copy just click on the icon and a box opens up. Follow the prompts to create and insert the equation into your work.


Find--Locates text you wish to replace with other text. For instance, if you had discovered that in your article you wrote that carrots were round and red, and then discovered that the description actually applied to apples, you could click on the icon and in the "find" search bar you could type "carrots". In the "replace" search bar you would type the correction: "apples". Saves you from going through huge amounts of text to search for and correct a repeating error.

Find/Replace--Pretty much the same as your "Find" button. If there is a word or phrase you wish to replace with something else, you enter that word or phrase in the box, click on the "Replace" tab and enter what you want it replaced with. You can either replace all by clicking on the appropriate button or go on to the next instance the word or phrase occurs and replace it with something else.

Font Family--Various fonts (typefaces of a certain size or style) that you can select and use instead of the default font style. Great fun.

Font Size--Sometimes you want a letter, word, phrase or sentence to be a different size from the rest of the copy, or from the choices in your "Paragraph" icon selection. This will give you a range of print sizes from six pixels, which is teeny-tiny, to 72 pixels, which is incredibly huge.

Format--This is where you will find various heading sizes and boldface print options. Just click on one to select.

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cassiejr53 Premium
Thanks for this information very useful to many
howmuch Premium
You are very welcome Cassie! :)
MLundrigan Premium
Thank you kindly this is valuable information and very useful to a newbie such as myself.
howmuch Premium
As a relative newbie myself I hoped it would be. thanks for your response, Mike--I appreciate it.
Internetgranny Premium
Many thanks. I am so inexperienced with Wordpress, so this will be useful.
howmuch Premium
I was too, and could have used a quick reference. I actually have it printed out because I keep forgetting what some of the icons do
because I don't use some of them a lot or even at all. Thanks for the comment, Isabella!
Internetgranny Premium
Was just thinking of printing it out too - great minds think alike :-)
howmuch Premium
Lol!--We'll just ignore the second part of that saying...("fools seldom differ") :D
jaymush Premium
Thanks Rowena, I never really thought about it. I didn't know all of these and now I can start using them properly. Jayne
howmuch Premium
Kind of you to say so, Jayne. A lot of them are icons that are added if you put in the Ultimate Tiny MCE plugin, which I personally think is a
must-have for any site. You can read more about installing it and it's uses here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training/a_aid/702740bb

Thanks for your comment!
Kierra1215 Premium
Great stuff!!!
howmuch Premium
Thanks Kierra! Hope it works as a reference resource for anyone unfamiliar with the WordPress icons at their website.