Benefits & Components of Effective Copy

Before we jump into how to write good sales copy, we will give you an overview of some of the benefits that good sales copy can bring to your website.

(1) Increase the amount of sales and your overall conversion ratio
(2) Allows you to connect with a customer on an emotional level.
(3) Can increase the number of products you sell at the same time (up-selling)
(4) Earn the respect from your visitor and will allow you to create long-term relationships with them
(5) When you make a sale, you are essentially creating a list of "buyers"...the ultimate list to have

The Essential Components of Great Sales Copy

There are certain "catch phrases" and items that you can use within your sales copy to increase conversions. We have created a list of 30 of the most essential components of sales copy that you can add to your page to increase conversions. You obviously will not want to use all of these (especially if you have a review page or a short copy squeeze page), but using some of these points within your copy will work to your advantage.

(1) Telling a story
(2) Originality of the information
(3) Customer service/support
(4) The "complete" resource
(5) Based on your real-life experience
(6) Very popular (appeals to the followers %u2013 if others like it I will too)
(7) Can be accessed within minutes (instant access)
(8) Easy to understand/use
(9) Straight forward/includes instructions
(10) Can only buy online
(11) Regularly updated
(12) Secret/underground information
(14) Save by buying today
(15) Break down the costs ($/per day)
(16) New information (not rehashed or recycled)
(17) Offer a sneak peek
(18) Tell them who endorses the product (i.e. testimonials)
(19) Navigation of the book (table of contents screenshot)
(20) Accuracy of information
(21) Proven (look at the results)
(22) Can be used as a reference guide over and over again
(23) Offer free bonuses
(24) Limited time offer / limited number of copies
(25) No risk, full guarantee
(26) How the book will pay for itself over and over again
(27) Release date (in new -> just released)
(28) Credibility of the author/company
(29) Describe the benefits in a list
(30) Exclusivity

All of these components will obviously add to your sales pitch. Unless your sales copy is several thousand words, we suggest that you do not attempt to use all of these within one page. However, using some of these within your sales text will increase the power of your sales copy and will result in better conversions (and make your page a more entertaining read).

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bizgrrl Premium
This was excellent and just what I needed - Thanks Kyle! :)
This was excellent and just what I needed - Thanks Kyle! :)
ryanop Premium
great tutorial, thanks
apekatten Premium
great tutorial, thanks
Mavis Premium
thanx Kyle, am motivated to work on my landing page and MAKE SALES