There is a common misconception that the and tag are the same thing because they produce the same visual result.
This is BOLD text
This is STRONG Text


I have changed this guide slightly since it was published because It has been brought to my attention that it is believed that Google (and other search engines) no longer see any diffrence between the Bold and Strong tags.

Although we can never 100% confirm this I would advise good use of the tags much like is described. You will notice that with wordpress now, when you press the B (for bold text) it automatically uses the tags rather than the tag.


It is good practice to use the tag at least once within your article. It is then stressing the importance of that keyword within your article to the search engines.
It is advised that you do not over use the strong tag and in fact the bold function () is well used just to highlight certain points to the reader and not to the search engine.
You may find that certain browsers will display the 2 tags slightly differently but you will actually find that the big 3 will not.

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Jonah-Love Premium
Hi There

I just wanted to ask if I already have as we all do my SEO title as my post headline is there no need to create an H1 after that in the editor or would we have both?

In Friendship

VitaliyG Premium Plus
No need. Your title is already an h1 heading Stephen.
Jonah-Love Premium
Thanks, Buddy! :)
EdwardLarry Premium
I know my Headline h1 But how can I make it bold
Pobman Premium
A while ago Google mentioned that they now treat the BOLD and STRONG tags pretty much the same with regards to SEO (, though they are still different. In particular screen readers generally still understand the extra ephasis that a strong tag gives. Many programs like Wordpress default to Strong tags only. I dont know what other search engines do, but following the correct use of bold and strong would still be good practice.
pushbroom Premium
A while ago Google mentioned that they now treat the BOLD and STRONG tags pretty much the same with regards to SEO (, though they are still different. In particular screen readers generally still understand the extra ephasis that a strong tag gives. Many programs like Wordpress default to Strong tags only. I dont know what other search engines do, but following the correct use of bold and strong would still be good practice.