4. Write for your Audience

    You must consistently write for your audience and not for search engines. It is good you assume the role of your audience when writing. Think about the likely questions they will ask, the problem your content should solve. You will be creating user-friendly content that is not stuffed with keywords.

    5. Review your Work

      The probability to mistakenly stuff your content with a keyword is high when writing optimized content. So you must read and reread your content to avoid placing keywords in irrelevant points. While you review your work, check your heading, meta description, title, image description to avoid unnecessary repetition of keywords.

      In conclusion, you must always have at the back of your mind that quality content is king. Search engines and users prioritize quality content. While search engines will rank them higher in search engine result pages (SERP), users will comfortably share them with both friends and professional colleagues.

      As such, you must place quality ahead when creating content. Conduct keyword research, create content for the users, increase word count where necessary and always review your work.

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      Teemac7 Premium
      thank you, this is very helpful
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Tee,

      I am glad you found it helpful.

      Do enjoy the rest of your day

      Jessiefido Premium Plus
      Hi Ayodeji, I hope you are well my friend?

      Thanks for sharing yet another in depth training with us all. As you rightly point out, and from what I have learned here I believe keyword stuffing is not a good practice for us affiliate marketers.

      Our (potential) customers and the certainly the search engines can pick up on this practice, so it is always best to avoid stuffing and only use our keywords where applicable and necessary.

      Much appreciated my friend and take care.
      Parameter Premium

      Very true Nick,

      We must avoid keyword stuffing and other black hat techniques like a plague

      Jessiefido Premium Plus
      Couldn't agree more with you there Ayodeji, black hat techniques are a major no, no in my book.
      edhozubin Premium
      If you use the AIOSEO the latest free version there is only place "1" keyword the super Keyword. So if they are doing the crawling and picking and choosing the other keywords they could be doing the stuffing. In that situation it is the Luckiest content wins not necessarily the best content. That seems like a vague way to judge a Quality of Product!

      Parameter Premium
      Hi Edward,

      Thank you for time taken to see this training. Search engines have complex algorithms. So when bots crawl websites, there are several factors the consider.

      As marketers, following and adhering with best practice is our way of staying ahead changes in algorithms

      YvonneBray Premium
      Great reminder, Parameter. Thanks for sharing.
      Parameter Premium
      Hi Yvonne,

      Am glad you found it useful
