Current AMP Statistics

There are a lot of popular brands that use the AMP technology such as BBC, Reddit, Yahoo, eBay, Pinterest, Washington Post, Gizmodo, WordPress, and many other sites. This doesn’t mean only the big brands use technology; many people also use technology across the world. Over 1.4 million websites use this technology for site optimization.

  • 11% of the users of AMP are Arts and Entertainment
  • 6% of the users are Computer Electronics and Technology
  • 5.8% of the users are Science and Education
  • 5.15% are for gaming

Effects of Google AMP

Apart from the improved speed and user experience that Google AMP helps a website owner achieve, there are other benefits attached to the use of the AMP.

  • Increased website engagement

The lightweight AMP works well even for users that have a less stable internet connection. The increase in the page load speed of your website and the improved user experience help to reduce bounce rate and will make users spend more time on your site.

  • Improved ranking and traffic

One of the top ranking factors of Google is the page load speed of a website. If two websites are competing for a spot on the search engine, the one with the highest page load speed will win.

  • Lower bounce rate

When your site loads faster, this will reduce the bounce rate on the site. A study was conducted, and it was discovered that 53% of visits to a site receives bounce off if the site loads slowly. And it was also discovered that website owners who use the AMP feature increase the dwell time on their site in two folds. When the dwell time of a site is increased, this means your conversion rate will be increased too.

  • Increased ad views

When AMP is implemented, this will increase the usability of the ads on your site. When this is increased, it will make more people click the ads and this will help you monetize the content on your site.

  • Higher click-through rates

One of the major benefits of AMP is, it is displayed on top of SERPs. Web-users will most likely click the ones on top before the others, which will lead to an increased click-through rate.

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StephenThiam Premium
I agreed with AMP to improve the page speed; the best I can get is 1.7 sec. There is one error that cannot be clear is javascript. Come and go, very frustrated.
Without AMP, now I am facing more errors and low page speed. Still looking at how to improve without AMP.
To get good AMP results, I used the asset clean-up plugin plus AMP for the WP plugin. This combination is the best; I miss out on the cloud account to make the AMP application perfect. That is my lesson learned from my website.
I feedback this information to you. Hopefully, you can give some advice to me or use my way to find out if it is workable.
lesabre Premium
Hi Israel, this is a great lesson for me. I have always had problems with the AMP plugin.
My mobile traffic and speed definately need improvement. Thanks to your lesson I am going to give AMP another shot.
I will be giving you a call if I get Google gives me error messages. :)

Israel17 Premium
Sure thing, Michael! Feel free to reach out to me if the need arises anytime. We are one and are meant to help each other solve one technical problem or the other. Thanks for reading my AMP tutorial! If your theme is highly responsive, you may not need to install AMP anymore. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji

Israel Olatunji
DianeScorpio Premium
Hi - thank you for this training. However, I have tried AMP previously on a site, and it caused numerous errors, including coding becoming visible where it shouldn't be and loss of text. Sorry to say, I won't be trying it again!
Israel17 Premium
I can understand your experience, Diane! If you are on a responsive theme, you may not bother about installing AMP anymore. It depends on your theme and how much effort you are expending on improving site speed.

Israel Olatunji
richardgb Premium
Hi Israel
I have read conflicting reports about AMP. To clarify apparently it works very well when set up well but ... what isn't clear ...

- some say that if you have a responsive theme AMP isn't needed;
- if AMP is installed, used for a while, then removed, SEO status for a site will suffer;
- some hosts don't require AMP (I'm to sure abut WA).

Because these points aren't easy to get clear on I have avoided AMP so far.

Do you have more clarity n this by any chance?
Dale123 Premium Plus
I would advise that you keep avoiding AMP, to be honest, Richard. It can quite easily cause you a LOT more problems than it's worth & unless you're a web developer, they will be pretty tricky to trace & resolve.
Israel17 Premium
No problem at all, Richard! Is your theme responsive? What was the result of your pagespeed insight the last time you checked? If you're sure of using a responsive theme, you don't need to install the AMP any longer. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
richardgb Premium
I believe very few are not responsive nowadays ... anyway I'm using the premium version of Generate Press.
Israel17 Premium
Yeah, the pro version of GeneratePress is great for your site speed. No worries at all! You are on track. Just make sure you don't install more than necessary plugins.

Israel Olatunji
richardgb Premium
Thank you Israel.
richardgb Premium
Thank you for advice Dale. Appreciated.
StevePotts Premium Plus
Very cool, I learned something new. Thank You Israel, I will look into this further. Have a nice day!
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, Steve! Glad you found my Google AMP training helpful! Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji