Linking to your Pages

There are many ways that you can drive traffic to pages on your website, but the most common two are:

  1. Pay-per-click Marketing
  2. Article Marketing & SEO

In order to send traffic to a specific page on your blog you need to know the URL of the specific page. When you create your page there is a "permalink" that you can edit. This permalink will always point to the page that you have created, and this is how you send traffic to a page.

Article Marketing

Using your blog for article marketing is perfect because most of the highest ranking article directories available require you to own your very own website. For example, can get your article ranked in the search engines in a matter of hours, however they do not allow you to use Affiliate links in your article. This is not a problem for you now that your Blog is up and running! You can send people directly from your articles to any page on your website using the permalink as outlined above.

You now don't have any excuse not to use the worlds most powerful Article Marketing directories because now you've got your own website!

Pay-per-click Marketing

Relevancy matters in a big way when it comes to PPC, and this means that you need to create relevant landing pages for each of your ads. This is easy using the WA blog system as it only takes a few minutes to build a page. Using the permalink to your pages you can send traffic directly from your PPC ads to the specific page of your choice.

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imosher Premium
I am really confused and I apologize. Is the WA Blog you are talking about the one I post on in WA Spaces or am I TOTALLY missing a resource?
BradB Premium
Hi Carson.

Really good tutorial.
Quality and content.

Sending people on the fence to this quality of information will make conversion much easier.

alanjonesUK Premium
Hi Carson.

Really good tutorial.
Quality and content.

Sending people on the fence to this quality of information will make conversion much easier.

reefswimmer Premium
thx for doing this tutorial ! It is one of these tutorials I intend to come back to over and over. There are so many specifics here, I cannot expect to hold them in my head right now. First I will get my blog set up. I am such a newbie that I still have nothing up and running! Once I have the structure set up, I can actually use this great tutorial to its full advantage. I look forward to doing a second comment here, that says how I am actually using it !
cmyers Premium
thx for doing this tutorial ! It is one of these tutorials I intend to come back to over and over. There are so many specifics here, I cannot expect to hold them in my head right now. First I will get my blog set up. I am such a newbie that I still have nothing up and running! Once I have the structure set up, I can actually use this great tutorial to its full advantage. I look forward to doing a second comment here, that says how I am actually using it !