Site: (Site Operator)

Looking for a specific website or pages associated with it? Tell Google what site you’re looking for by using Site Operator.

For Example: Search for This shows all the pages of the website which are being indexed in Google.

You may replace from any site address you might wish to search and obtain all of its indexed pages.

It saves you time to check out if the site is indexed or not and also, if yes, how many pages are being indexed of that particular site.

Quick Tips:

Modify/Experiment the Searches in Site operator and make most of it.

For example; SEO

This will give you all the sites of .edu url having used SEO keyword.

-Site: (Minus Site Operator)

Usage: Search for – any keyword

Minus Site operator helps you search for the keywords but exclude the pages of specific site that you have mentioned.

For example; skyscraper technique

This operator is greatly in use for finding brand mentions, Amazon Research, and spy activities.

Quick tips:

If you wish to find all the mentions of your site on the internet, simply make use of this operator and enjoy surfing!

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Dinh Premium
thanks for sharing!
ArjunUllaz Premium
You are welcome
GaryHorton Premium
ArjunUllaz Premium
You are welcome
Loes Premium
Thanks Arjun, this is a nice addition to my own training on this, and I have added your training to my page 4
ArjunUllaz Premium
Oh, thanks, Loes. That's really good news to me.
SteveCrozza Premium
You have provided us with some very useful information. Some of these operators I was aware of, but did not know how to use.

Your examples are excellent, perhaps a bit more detail on some (eg Cache) as they are a bit lean, but that could also be the topic.

Would the results be better using rather than Google

Look forward to part 2
ArjunUllaz Premium
Hi, Steve thanks a lot for your recommendation. YES, definitely I will add an example with a picture.
Harizan Premium
Very useful, Arjun,

Thank you!
ArjunUllaz Premium
Hope it helped you