“” (Double Quotes Operator)
If you wish to search for a specific keyword or group of words which match exactly with the text you put in, Double Quote Operator is the one for you.
Using it is really simple and quick. All you have to do is put your keyword/query/phrase into Double quotes i.e “”.
Let’s see what difference does it makes with an ordinary search.
If you search for a word Skyscraper Technique without using double quotes, Google puts in 11,00,000 search results for it(analyse the image below).
However, when you’ll search for the same keyword in double quotes, the results are reduced to just 96,800.
What difference does it makes?
The usage of double quotes tells the Google to limit the number of result pages by showing the results which exactly match the keyword. Without it, the two words in the searching query might appear in distinct order anywhere on the page. All such pages are added in the results where the words might appear in any order including together.
However, by using double quotes, you are telling Google to display only those pages which have “Skyscraper Technique” mentioned together.
What Benefit does it cause you?
Easy and fair enough, you get only the relevant pages which actually match with your search and not those of random ones. This makes your searching precise and saves you good time wandering around the pages of no use.
Also, it helps you knock down the long tail keywords in proper sequence and maximize your research capabilities.
Your examples are excellent, perhaps a bit more detail on some (eg Cache) as they are a bit lean, but that could also be the topic.
Would the results be better using duckduckgo.com rather than Google
Look forward to part 2