2. Comment on other People’s Blogs

Commenting on other websites can help increase your domain authority.

Not only does it create engagement, but it also helps attract more eyes to your website. These are all amazing ways to increase your domain authority.

While commenting on blogs, ensure you apply the following tips:

  • Read 3-5 blogs per week
  • Write attention-grabbing comments on posts
  • Use the points that are relevant to the content
  • Stay consistent.

3. Build More Authoritative Content

To rank your website higher in search engines, you need to create content relevant to your niche. You should optimize your content for search engines. You can generate relevant backlinks by creating authoritative content.

Writing in-depth content is the best way to increase your ranking in search engines. Another great way to improve your Domain Authority is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

The more links you build, the higher the chances of achieving high Google rankings. This is the most basic of all the techniques, but it is a crucial part of the link-building process.

Build a website that provides value to its users. One way to do this is to write high-quality content that your audience finds valuable. Doing this will get your site listed higher in search engines. Make sure your site has a clean structure and is user-friendly.

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MYJones Premium
There is loads of great information in this training, Lily; you obviously did a lot of preparation into it. Excellent job, and I will be saving this training!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks so much, Margaret.
I'm glad it helped.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks again, Lily! Without achieving a higher domain authority, there's no way to rank higher in SERPs. Nice tutorial!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
It takes team work Israel.
Thanks for your comment.

tommo1968 Premium Plus
What's the difference between site speed and page speed? Did I miss something along the way and how do you measure for both?

Here is a bit of training I did for on-page SEO that may help your readers
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks, Tommo.

Your Site Speed is how fast your whole website loads and individual page speed affects that. Sometimes you have to resize images to let a page load faster. By correcting this you will speed up the loading of your whole website.

Thanks for posting this training.

MaxiMos Premium