Some people just reject a negative comment instead of dealing with it. They fail to recognize this golden opportunity as a way of promoting their product and convincing the writer that they just may be wrong. It is always better when they say this to you and not about you out in the community. Negative comments can have positive outcomes too.

When someone criticizes your product accept what they are saying graciously. Just like you they have the right to express their opinions. Tell them how sorry you are that they feel that way and then promote every positive point your product has.

If you are getting sales you could mention to them that your ? number of customers have been very happy with your product. If you have any reviews about the product then refer the critic to them or cut and paste a couple of the best ones into your reply. Never miss and opportunity to promote your product and convert a skeptic.

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AchuthanN1 Premium
Totally agree.Thank you for the reminder.
Magieken Premium
Thank you. We often overlook the value of comments when we are busy and pushed for time. All the best to you.
Simowatto Premium
yea very true, oh and don't forget the WA comment thread page here (Give and Take)
Magieken Premium
Absolutely right.
WilliamBH Premium
Great Stuff .. thank you. Cheers, William
Magieken Premium
Thanks William.
johnwnewman Premium
Sound advice! Thanks :-)
Magieken Premium
Thanks John
johnwnewman Premium
Pleasure! :-)
MsMerry Premium
Thank you for the insights, Margaret. It is very useful and a great reminder to each of us to ask for feedback/comments and to comment back. I love the idea of asking a question or becoming a little more personal. Really Nice training.
Magieken Premium
Thank you. Glad to help.