When someone takes the time to leave a comment on your site you need to look at that person as a potential customer. This is your chance to interact, build trust and to let the person know you are the expert.

You will often be asked questions about the content of your post and this is the opportunity to interact with the person leaving the comment. Always answer their questions even if it is something you don't know the answer to. Let them know you will look into it to find out. Tell them you will get back to them when you have found the answer and make sure you do.

Never fake it. If you don't know then find out. People value honesty and integrity when it comes to handing over their hard earned cash. Wouldn't you rather buy off someone who didn't have all the answers and admitted it rather than someone who just can't admit they don't know everything

This may be the one and only chance you get to interact with this potential customer so make your interaction memorable. First impressions do count and this is your opportunity to make a good impression on your visitor. Don't blow it.

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AchuthanN1 Premium
Totally agree.Thank you for the reminder.
Magieken Premium
Thank you. We often overlook the value of comments when we are busy and pushed for time. All the best to you.
Simowatto Premium
yea very true, oh and don't forget the WA comment thread page here (Give and Take)
Magieken Premium
Absolutely right.
WilliamBH Premium
Great Stuff .. thank you. Cheers, William
Magieken Premium
Thanks William.
johnwnewman Premium
Sound advice! Thanks :-)
Magieken Premium
Thanks John
johnwnewman Premium
Pleasure! :-)
MsMerry Premium
Thank you for the insights, Margaret. It is very useful and a great reminder to each of us to ask for feedback/comments and to comment back. I love the idea of asking a question or becoming a little more personal. Really Nice training.
Magieken Premium
Thank you. Glad to help.