When you click on my settings, you need to first select which email address you are going to be using, this is normally the one associated with your website. you can also add additional email address.

You also will see your interests selections.

When starting out offering comments, ensuring your interests list is relevant to you is really important. You want to help people out, but having posts come up that you have no interest in can mean it is really hard to sound natural and interested when writing some comments in and you end up clicking 'Not Interested' on everything that comes up.

Many new members do not realise about updating the interest’s part and so keep getting websites that they have no interest in. They then click not interested, but then receive a new post that is still not relevant to them.

This makes this step an important step. Make sure only categories you are interested are selected.

Take a minute to review the categories, and select ones that are relevant to you and that you have an interest in. You can always come back to it later on.

You will find the interests settings in the menu item 'My Settings'. It is a tick-box exercise, just select the ones you want.

If you ever find that you find a site that you click 'Not Interested' in, then it is worthwhile going back and reviewing your options.

Let's go through what to consider when offering a comment

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TommyVTE Premium
Thanks for sharing great info
JohnCrossley Premium Plus
You’re welcome.
Tirolith Premium
Just what the Doctor ordered.
JohnCrossley Premium Plus
Hope you found it useful. John
YanFellow Premium
Good stuff, John!

I've been involved in several discussions recently about Site Comments. It's obvious that some members haven't read the guidelines and do many of the things you point out they shouldn't!

It's frustrating for the site owner as no one wants to disapprove a comment, and also for the commenter who gets rejected.

Maybe there should be a quiz you have to take before you're allowed to comment :-)

Let's hope those who need to read this do :-)

Here's another tip some website owners might find useful: Ian
JohnCrossley Premium Plus
thanks for your input Ian. I think, at times we need to take out the emotion - if the comment is not right, disapprove it.
they need to understand that the comment wasn't right. but we need to educate them by adding value when stating why we didn't approve it.
A quiz, would be hard to validate who can add comments. but I get your point, some people (in my opinion) are chasing the cash credits and rushing through the platform and not thinking about it.
Also, thanks for adding the stagger comments training, would be useful for people looking to stagger them.
YanFellow Premium
You're right about the emotion. I've seen some members blog about disapproving a commnet, almost with tears in their eyes. There's such support and general positivity at WA that I easily understand how this is difficult.

But I also agree that poor comments should be rejected without remorse :-)

Some people may be chasing the $ but I think some others just haven't read or understood what's required. Education is the way, so let's hope your training is widely read! :-)
JohnCrossley Premium Plus
I hope it helps too. reading the article is key to giving good comments. I know it is easy to get emotive, but if we all work together there will be no need to reject comments.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the resource, YanFellow! It's so helpful! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
JohnGreg08 Premium
Thanks for the tip!
JohnCrossley Premium Plus
you are welcome
Fleeky Premium Plus
JohnCrossley Premium Plus