The last step you should make a part of your routine after fetching your post as Google and pinging it is to share it across your social media platforms.

Do you have social media sharing buttons on your posts? You should. Go to your post and using its social media share buttons, share away to your networks.

I usually go the extra mile and schedule some future shares as well. This can be done with apps like Buffer which connect to your networks and allow you to share at a custom time.

Don't forget to write a nice intro to the content where you can. You don't want to just be robotic and share your awesome new content with no lead in. Be creative and grab attention!

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vlagattuta Premium
Im gonna need to read up on this more -- Never have done anything like this and it sounds very interesting. Thank You for the info
EricCantu Premium Plus
I promise it's all easy. In fact, I'm going to do a tutorial with video capture on how to do the whole fetch as google thing along with the pinging very soon. Stay tuned! Thank you so much for checking this out.
vlagattuta Premium
thank you ~~ I would appreciate that! I look to it..
EricCantu Premium Plus
Good. Take care :)
EricCantu Premium Plus
Just wanted to share that I made a video tutorial for this training. I think it's a little easier to follow and understand. Hope you enjoy it.
MikeAkers Premium
Thank you for the great advice
EricCantu Premium Plus
I'm really glad that helped. Thank you for the comment.
EricCantu Premium Plus
Just wanted to share that I made a video tutorial for this training. I think it's a little easier to follow and understand. Hope you enjoy it.
pablocortina Premium
Thank you
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thank you for stopping in and commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorial.
EricCantu Premium Plus
Just wanted to share that I made a video tutorial for this training. I think it's a little easier to follow and understand. Hope you enjoy it.
DCurtis76 Premium
Wow - this us some good information. Thanks for sharing!
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thank you very much. I really do appreciate that.
EricCantu Premium Plus
Just wanted to share that I made a video tutorial for this training. I think it's a little easier to follow and understand. Hope you enjoy it.
MKearns Premium
Great advice to amplify your posts and message Eric!
EricCantu Premium Plus
I always appreciate your input, brother. Thanks for supporting me always.
EricCantu Premium Plus
Big Mike, I've graduated to video! lol

Just wanted to pass along that I made a video tutorial for this training. I think it's a little easier to follow and understand. Hope you enjoy it. You guys at the top always inspire me!