SiteComments - The Full Walkthrough & Benefits


Hey Everyone!

In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through the Site Comments platform, a unique feature available to all Premium and Premium Plus+ members within Wealthy Affiliate. This platform is a powerful tool for boosting engagement on your website, getting your content indexed, and improving your site's SEO through authentic interaction.

Here's What You'll Learn:

  1. Navigating the Site Comments Platform: A walkthrough of how to access and utilize the Site Comments feature from your Wealthy Affiliate dashboard.
  2. Requesting Comments: I'll show you how to request comments for your posts or pages to enhance engagement and SEO value. Plus, a live example from my hobby project, the Scoop Guru's ice cream making website.
  3. Offering Comments: Learn the importance of contributing to the community by offering comments on other members' websites and how it benefits your site in return.
  4. Understanding the Benefits: Insight into how comments can lead to better indexing, ranking, and overall engagement on your website. Real examples demonstrate the impact of quality, engaging comments.
  5. Settings and Preferences: Tips on setting up your preferences for receiving and offering comments to ensure relevancy and quality.
  6. Utilizing Gravatar for Personalization: The significance of having a Gravatar linked to your comments for authenticity and trust.
  7. Earning Community Credits: How to earn and use community credits within the platform for requesting comments, and the potential to achieve accreditation status for active and quality commenters.

The Site Comments platform is designed to foster a give-and-take community spirit, enabling you to receive high-quality, engaging comments on your website while contributing to others' success. Whether you're looking to increase your site's visibility, improve SEO, or simply engage more with your audience, this platform is going to become a "go to" resource.

If you have any questions about using the Site Comments platform or any other features within Wealthy Affiliate, don't hesitate to drop a comment below. I'm here to help!

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Recent Comments


Hi Kyle, just watched your video on setting up a avatar for my new email with gravatar, followed all your instructions, setting up the new email to my website completed, checked my new email address with gravatar check, cam up with my new address okay.

Then checked Users in Wordpress, no new user added or with an avatar image.

refreshed browser etc no change, cannot see any change!

Do I set up a new user manually? There are a lot of steps, what am I missing?


The credentials have to be the same so that it auto-populates :)

Abie I am confused make a comment you have to have an email associated with do that I need a user showing on word press that isn't there, do I just create one? I have a domain specific email is that the same thing? very confused :(

Hi Kyle and thanks for the training. Am I hearing you correctly when you indicate that as an affiliate marketer, I can have multiple websites?

You can indeed, but I believe it is better to focus on the one when starting to learn the ropes and lessen the learning curve before scaling.

Very true...

Of course you can, and through time you most definitely will. The things is you ideally want to get the formula for success down within ONE website, before you diversify and get involved in many different sites, many niches, and promote a wide variety of products/services. ;)

Np :)

Thank you Kyle! I've only recently realized how I've been neglecting this awesome feature of WA and started putting it to good use, so the timing of this video is perfect! In pondering this tool's many benefits, I had thought about all the ways that I believed using Site Comments would benefit your website's SEO and authority, and it was good to hear you confirm in the video, (and post) what I had already surmised. Furthermore, you taught me things about using this feature that I DIDN'T previously know! I'm thoroughly pleased, thanks again!

I do have one question, however. When using the "Offer Comments" side, there's a button at the bottom labeled "Ignore Site". I'm assuming this is useful for situations where you may not want to comment on a particular post, for whatever reason. I'm further assuming that this is connected to the "Skip Rate" listed on the main Site Comments page, or tab.

My primary question then is this: What are the consequences to both or either of those involved, (i.e., the one offering comments and the one who is requesting comments) when this "Ignore Site" button is used?


Really glad you enjoyed this walk-through and you learned a lot from it Kevin. If someone is cherry picking comments (using the ignore button with frequency), they will be shown a lot less and if this is a trend, they will be booted from the system.

In the Settings section, you can see the "type" of comments that you want to see, so I recommend that you set that up so you are not getting website comment requests under topics that have no relevance to you or that you aren't interested in commenting about.

I hope this clarifies for you, but let me know if you have any further questions. ;)

That certainly does clarify things, and I'll adjust those settings accordingly.

Thanks Kyle

Great to hear that clarifies things for you Kevin! :)

Thanks Kyle for that answer, I was going to ask the same question as Kevin.

Good information, I actually love looking at other posts and seeing how they did things. And I like to learn new things, every day. At 71 I still get excited to read and learn about what makes others tick.

This video and post answers the questions I had on the differences between comments and feedback. Thanks Kyle!

Excellent, glad this offered clarity between the two platforms, as they are quite different. When you leave site comments you want to engage directly with the topic itself, you’re not not giving feedback on the website.

I use SiteComments all the time. I find it so useful and it really gives your blog posts credibility. Plus the SEO gods love it

Excellent, that is great to hear. I use it as well as I create new content for my websites. it is powerful to get engagement going really early on with new post, and it also encourages more engagement.

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