Every person's internal clock is different. Each has a time of day that they are more alert, ready to conquer the world, and other times of the day when this is NOT the case.
It is helpful to do some self-evaluation to see when your normal up times are and when your down times are.
This section will help you go through this process...
When Are You The Most Productive?
Everyone has a certain time-frame when they are the most productive during the day. There are some who work best and fastest in the mornings, and some who work better at night.
It has been proven through research that there is no exact time of the day when every single person is more or less productive; but on an average, most people are the most productive during morning hours.
The research out there has shown that most people considered the time span between 9 and 11 am to be the most productive time frame. The next most productive time has been reported to be before 9 am while some report that their peak productivity hours were between 7 and 10 pm and others, between 10 and 12 am.
This is why you need to figure out when your peak times based on your waking and sleeping hours are so that you can work the most effectively and efficiently. You will get more done when you are alert and motivated to work.
Here are some tips to find the best time for you to work:
OK this is the VERY last set of tips...I thought there were no more, but I just had to add in these, because I feel they may help some Wealthy Affiliate members...Have a look and see for yourself!
(1) Follow your gut feeling.
Most people have a 'gut feeling' about when they work the best. As mentioned before, those who prefer getting up at 6 am to finish off their work are morning people and who find it struggling to get up in the morning and tend to focus best in the evening are evening people who can work best late into the evening. If you think you have an idea of when you work the best, you are most probably right with your finding and gut feeling.
(2) Experiment With Different Time Periods.
If you are not sure about your most productive times, you could always try experimenting. You could perhaps work on a task that needs your full concentration first thing in the morning before you even have your breakfast.
This means that all the time wasted checking your inbox should be done at night so that you have more time to attend to important things in the morning.
You could also try getting to your office an hour earlier than usual, or stay an hour longer at the office to find out when you are the most productive.
You have to find out when you found it most comfortable and convenient for you to get most of your work done. If and when you know when you are at your best, you should use this knowledge to your benefit.
(3) Working from home.
If you work at home it is left to you to decide on your own schedule. As a freelancer, you don’t work full time for a single employer; you are most likely to accept jobs from various clients.
These clients don’t actually worry how or when you do your work, at midday or midnight. All they care about is your delivering their assignment on time, by the deadline.
The only thing you will have to remember as a work at home person is that if your client or prospects need to call you, you have to make sure that some of your working time overlaps with traditional office hours.
For example, you could perhaps leave the answer phone on in the morning when you work your best, and tend to all the calls in the afternoon.
Better still, you could tell your clients and prospects to try to contact you only in the evenings for an immediately and quick reply from you as you work best in the mornings.
Similarly, if you are a student earning extra pocket money working online, you should bear your academic work and studies in mind so that your studies don’t interfere with your work.
Also, you must set aside time when you work the most productively to tend to your part-time job.
(4) Set time for your own projects.
If you work at home, but have your own personal project like writing a bestselling novel to take care of, it’s important that you manage your time wisely so that you can get maximum work accomplished both for your office work and your project work.
You could perhaps consider waking up an hour earlier on some days or stay up later in the evenings to write your book while everyone else is asleep. In case your job uses up your best hours, you could consider working on your projects at the weekend when you don’t have any work deadlines to meet.
(5) Plan for some ‘lighter’ days.
If you work from home, it’s helpful if you find some 'light days' or relatively open days so that you can approximate your natural schedule and find out when you are most productive.
For example, if you have kids, you may consider using a day when they are away at a camp to find out your internal rhythm. Of course, if this is not possible, just move on to the next step.
To find out when you work the most productively, you need to first know how you spend your time now. So get a piece of paper and track down whatever you do.
Write down how you spend all your minutes and note down how you felt while doing all this. You will find that sometimes you feel that you are 'on a roll' and can experience maximum productivity and sometimes, you feel like not working but want to take a nap.
(6) Analyze your findings.
Now you know how you spend your day, you have to look for patterns. You may find that you can work for about 90 minutes at a time with only a few small breaks.
This is a sign that this is when you are operating at peak productivity. Similarly, you will also find out how much time you had actually wasted doing unnecessary things like browsing the internet and al your social media sites.
(7) Ask friends.
Sometimes, if you are not sure when you’re best time is, you could ask your friends and colleagues for their opinions. They will definitely know when your worst times are, if not your best times!
So ask around and you may learn that your assistant had stopped scheduling meetings for 2 pm as she’d seen you fall asleep in the office chair at this time too many times!
Sometimes, time management is not the only point to consider for improved work productivity. At times, working during your peak hours in an improved work environment like better lighting gives better work productivity too.
In fact, an optimized work environment and the employment of measures to increase productivity and focus during your peak hours also lead to productivity in a short span of time.
It is also better to disable any audible email alerts as listening to a 'bing' every time an email arrives distracts you from your current task.
Don’t forget to concentrate on only one task at a time and to set a realistic time-frame to complete it. This way you will put in all your efforts, concentration and focus to complete the goal.
OK we are finished! There is a lot of information here for you, and if you use it wisely it can help you be more effective with your work at home online marketing business. I do hope that it was helpful, and please let me know what you thought by (1) liking the training and (2) commenting below, adding in your thoughts and experiences.
Dave : )
Time management is something I've yet to master. I'm better than I was but not as good as I want or need to be. This serves as a great reminder - thanks :-)