The online back up to Google+ for your photos works great but I like to also have a hard copy backup.

To back up your photos to a CD, DVD or USB follow the steps below.

• Go to Tools - Backup Pictures
• Select the folders that you want to back up - select all or a few.
• Select where to backup you photos.

Schedule a hard copy backup once a month or at least once every six months for archival storage of your photo files. Be sure to schedule these backups in your planner.

While your photos are backing up you can continue working on other projects on your computer.

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Shawn Martin Premium
Bookmarked, thanks!
yessharon Premium Plus
Your Welcome.
Jnomz Premium
Thanks for this, I've always wanted to use Picasa but just get lazy going through the tutorial, thanks for making the work easier.
yessharon Premium Plus
If you take the time to set up Picasa now it will save time and money in the future. In my next tutorial I will show how easy it is to edit and enhance your photos.
uridium Premium
I've never used this service before, but you have got me interested in it, I will give it a go, it looks fun.
yessharon Premium Plus
It is fun and keeps your photos organized.
Great read, very well planed out tutorial
Good job
yessharon Premium Plus
Thank You. I enjoyed making it.
misshugh Premium
Thanks for the info. I think I will give Picasa a try. Sounds like a great tool to keep my pics organized and I know the screen shot feature will come in handy.
yessharon Premium Plus
You will enjoy having the screen shot feature. As you surf the net it is easy to take a quick snapshot of a page that you like or some info that you want to remember.

You can even pause a video and capture a screenshot.