Getting to know what works

One of the best ways to find out what's going to work for you is by doing some research and seeing what other companies and individuals are doing. You can adapt other people's good practice and adapt it to your own circumstances.

Ways to research on Pinterest

1. Use the search button and type in keywords related to your niche

2. Look at numbers of likes, comments and repins - these are good indicators of what appeals or interest people.

3. Click on gifts. These range from $1 to $500+. This way you will be able to see what other people are trying to promote.

4. Follow people/boards of interest - you do not have to follow either boards or people for ever, but it will allow you to keep an idea on wht some other people are doing, from which you may get ideas.

5. Look at specific brands and note how they showcase different aspects of their brand to appeal to followers. I have given examples of the following companies and listed some of the things that you can learn from them.

  • Etsy
  • Northwood University
  • Peapod
  • Toyota USA

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awesome notes on Pinterest! thanks.
Shawn Martin Premium
stadium Premium
Thank you for the time you spent creating this. You created very high quality material.
BIS Premium
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it.
EddySalomon Premium
This has been probably the best guide I've read on Pinterest. It definitely gave me some ideas on how to approach it better! Thanks for creating it! Your examples were really what brought how to use this platform home! Great job!
BIS Premium
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you enjoyed it.
Kyle Premium Plus
You have made some very good points here Beverley. Most people's initial instinct is to use Pinterest purely for the purposes of trying to get traffic or earn revenue through product posts, however it can be an excellent medium for research and idea generation in pretty much any niche.

What you can also do is see what other images people are repinning...this will give you a good idea as to what "hot button" visuals work within a particular industry...and use related images within your pages and promotions. Having "hot button" images on your site can make the difference between someone reading your content and someone leaving!
BIS Premium
Thanks Kyle. You're right about the repinning. I did mention it, but looking back I can see it is rather lost in a sentence with other points. I find Pinterest fascinating. Having created this resource myself has made me think of other possibilitie. There are many companies who aren't yet using it very well and I look forward to seeing what they will develop and how I can utilise it myself.
Kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, will be interesting to see how they monetize it (likely from advertising) and the benefit that this may reveal to companies as well. Perhaps sponsored pins would be a natural evolution and one that could present quality traffic opportunities for many marketers and businesses.