Feedback is when you are judging the members site. The design, the layout, is it easy to read (easy on the eyes), are there images, are the images appropriate. Are you able to maneuver through the site rather easily.

This is where you can let them know what you like or if you have suggestions that might improve the functionality of their site.

Feedback is about the structure of the site, NOT about the content, Remember comments are about the content.

For each time you leave feedback you earn 1 credit. To request feedback it takes 2 credits.

You will want to request feedback on your post eventually. When you do, be prepared. Members are not rude about it, but they will let you know their honest opinion.

After all, feedback is meant to help you improve your site. I love getting feedback, it not only helps me improve my site, but it also tells me what others like when it comes to the design and layout.

I take constructive criticism very well. Don't take it personally when someone points out something they think you should change or point out a mistake you made. It is because they want to help you succeed.

So when you are wanting to receive feedback or leave feedback you will basically follow the same steps for SiteComments

You will click on SiteRubix then click on SiteFeedback.

I hope this will hep you understand comments and feedback a little better now. Like I said I have been there. I am no dummy, but I was definitely a newbie, and I am not ashamed of it.

Comments, likes and suggestions are always welcomed. If you know of anyone who might benefit from this, feel free to share the link.

Best Of Luck In All You Do

Lee Ann

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firstlearn Premium
Good points Lee
LeeMcQuay Premium
Thank you very much Derek : )
Joshua2765 Premium
Thanks, Lee.

Your tutorial is straightforward, clear, and meaningful. Let's just hope that those who need it find it in time to help them.

Continued success,

LeeMcQuay Premium
Thank you .
I really hope so. I know how when I first started I got A LOT of things mixed up : )
buffetearns Premium
Excellent tutorial Lee


LeeMcQuay Premium
Thank you Wayne.
terrycarroll Premium
Excellent post Lee Ann and I am glad to see that I have been more or less doing it "right" for the last 4 years!

Thanks for sharing

LeeMcQuay Premium
That's awesome. I did it wrong when I first started. I did not realize it until members started pointing it out to me.
I know the difference now though and I hope this will help new comers to not make that mistake.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
Lee Ann
jlclayton1 Premium
Great lesson, and I hope that there are many out there who will read it and take it to heart. Thank you!

LeeMcQuay Premium
Thank you. So do I. We don't realize the damage we do by not knowing the difference until it is done to us.
Best wishes
Lee Ann