A very important part of Wealthy Affiliate is going through all the training. There is so much valuable information that Kyle and Carson have compiled it into a full, 6-lesson training set called Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification.
It's the green "Get Started Here" tab located on the left hand side of the site, I'm sure you've seen it, if not, here's a link:
Click here to start your Online Entrepreneur Certification: Lesson 1!
Going through all these lessons will teach you literally everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and glimpses into other types of marketing, help with Wordpress and so much more.
Take time each day to go through one lesson. It doesn't take that long(I promise, really, if I can do it with a toddler, you can do it, too!), and within a week, you'll have your website topic chosen, your website set up, content coming out, and maybe even a few visitors or sales!
Friends that I know to not be as tech-savvy have had no problems setting up their account and having visitors within the month. Even if they don't have much time to dedicate to it.
I've even seen several 80+ year old members starting their first sites to help pay for their grandkids' college funds! How incredible is that?
Thank you for the training, tips and caring about your fellow WA member's online success,
It is truly folk such as yourself, and your contributions that makes WA the world class online platform that it is,
Thank you once again for sharing this valuable information, and may I wish you Many years of success to come.
All the best
Thank you for the WA-recipe in a nutshell.
This is a great approach and the only approach when taking off, embarking on the WA journey. Life is a journey and so is WA.
I will give the link to this great post in my comments and to my referrals!