Being a member of Wealthy Affiliate helps you in way more ways than you could possibly imagine.

You have access to nearly a million others who would be more than happy to help a fellow internet marketer like yourself out. But they won't all come crawling to you.

You need to make friends in this industry, find people to work with you, teach you things, show you some little-known tips and tricks they have learned along the way.

Asking questions and interacting is a MUST when you're marketing. I'm not saying you should spend 24/7 trying to talk to people, that's just crazy. But you should put some time aside to share links, add friends, post on social media and forums, etc.

My general rule of thumb is "one day content, next day marketing", and on the marketing day, I try to get as much social interaction in as I can.

A great way to ensure that you're getting all the interaction that you need is by making your WA profile space appealing and informative! Be sure to fill out your bio, add your websites, post blog post and tutorials, comment on other's profiles and posts, and add lots of new friends.

Click here to visit your profile and make it look nice! - Like, we're talking, paint a beautiful portrait of your life and goals, nice.

Once you've got your profile looking good and presentable, start making friends here!! More people will want to connect with you if they know more about your story! They don't want to feel like they are talking to a computer.

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Karax Premium
thanks for the great share
bubbletokki Premium
Thank you for reading!
RandiLee Premium
Thank you for the much needed pep talk.
I agree, if we stick to the course, we all here in the WA family will achieve greatness.
The best of luck to all!!
bubbletokki Premium
Thanks so much for your comment!

Best wishes!
garydlc Premium
Hello Heather

Thank you for the training, tips and caring about your fellow WA member's online success,

It is truly folk such as yourself, and your contributions that makes WA the world class online platform that it is,

Thank you once again for sharing this valuable information, and may I wish you Many years of success to come.

All the best
bubbletokki Premium
Thank you so much for your kind words, Gary!! I love the community here and only want to help out.

Best wishes,
Heather Montgomery
garydlc Premium
You are doing great, Heather.
GrannyDear Premium
Goodmorning Bubbletokki!!

Thank you for the WA-recipe in a nutshell.

This is a great approach and the only approach when taking off, embarking on the WA journey. Life is a journey and so is WA.

I will give the link to this great post in my comments and to my referrals!
bubbletokki Premium
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked what you saw!
Elijah1916 Premium
Many thanks for this simple but essential reminder.
bubbletokki Premium
Thank you, Lanu!