Using your Cloaked Link

So now you can see your cloaked link under the Link Name column, and the corresponding affiliate link under the URL column.

The next part is easy. I just copy the cloaked link and use it in my article, blog post, forum post etc.

Here's actual code I would use for my article. Now some article sites have an editor where you can create hyperlinks, but sometimes you need to make them on your own. So I'll explain.

So this is called a HREF tag. It's basic HTML code. You can see your cloaked link placed inside it. There are two essential parts to this code.

The Cloaked Link

It has http:// and it's correct - nothing worse than a broken affiliate link

The Call To Action Text

This is very important because the customer isn't a customer yet when they read this link. We want to entice them, attract them to click the link.

Call To Action Text Ideas

Make the call to action in the form of a question that the customer will answer.

example: Want to know how to get 1000s of visitors to your landing page?

Make the call to action a sentence that has urgency, and removes barriers.

example: Click here to get Instant Access to our Free Report!

The customer will get instant access to the information, and there is no money involved - why wouldn't they click?

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clarayeungkawai Premium
Yes, Rob, thank you very much for this. It helped me out alot!
robbied Premium
Thanks Carson! My pleasure.
- Rob
Jillo Premium
Thanks Carson! My pleasure.
- Rob
Carson Premium Plus
Great interpretation of My-Linker Rob! 10 for this one!
Dorbie Premium
Great interpretation of My-Linker Rob! 10 for this one!