Getting Started

To get started with My-Linker, click on the My-Linker icon in the WA toolbar at the top of the WA website. A new window will open. This first screen you see is called the Dashboard.


The Dashboard gives you an overview of your campaigns by showing a list of campaigns you've created and stats for the total number of clicks in each campaign. Click on Campaign Summary to view your campaigns and manage your links.

Campaign Summary

Clicking on Campaign Summary will show you your active campaigns. You'll see a link called Create New Campaign - click this to make a campaign.

Let's call our first campaign test and click the Save button. We can change its name later, or just delete it.

I mentioned this is a Newb's guide to My-Linker, so I won't explain what the ID fields are for. But you can mouse over the blue/white question marks to see what each field is about. I don't use this stuff, I'm a newb.

Once we've created our test campaign, you'll see it in your campaign list. Click on your campaign name test, to add and manage your links.

Fancy Graph

Oh I can't forget to mention the fancy graph. I just look at it and wave my mouse around. It shows your number of clicks for each day for the given date range. Use the dropdown menu to select a different date range.

Let's move on and create some links.

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clarayeungkawai Premium
Yes, Rob, thank you very much for this. It helped me out alot!
robbied Premium
Thanks Carson! My pleasure.
- Rob
Jillo Premium
Thanks Carson! My pleasure.
- Rob
Carson Premium Plus
Great interpretation of My-Linker Rob! 10 for this one!
Dorbie Premium
Great interpretation of My-Linker Rob! 10 for this one!