I hope this tutorial has done a few things for you:

(1) Eased the pain of keyword research (and made it fun)
(2) Given you a ton of keyword research ideas
(3) Allowed you to grow your business

Almost all traffic starts with a keyword...whether you are article marketing, looking to get your website indexed into the search engines, or using Pay Per Click networks like Google Adwords and MSN Adcenter or even Facebook Ads.

By being able to understand and really master the KW research process, you have accomplished one of the most critical steps to creating a successful campaign. Almost every transaction online typically starts with a search, and being able to target search terms allows to attract traffic at will.

Thereare millions (if not billions) of keywords out there and I have provided you with enough ideas alone in this tutorial to find 10,000's of them. All you have to do is take these keywords, and apply them to your marketing campaigns through a relevant flow pattern. I want to leave you with a keyword success formula before I wrap things up here.

Relevant Keyword => Relevant Page/Content = SUCCESS ($$$$)

If you have any questions about keyword research or any topics I have covered within this training, feel free to drop a comment below!

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jonathon1645 Premium
Hello, I have a question. maybe im complicating the simple, or trying to simplify the complicated, not sure. But can we not just promote a specific product.. building the webpage and keywords aound that alone? Such as a specific video ? Curious in the given example, why is the site and keyword building around Iphone5cases, and not just promoting one specific type of iphone case? Or one specific parrot birdcage?
Kyle Premium Plus
Because you can promote MANY products on one site. You don't want to trap yourself to a specific product or your site will not be able to evolve and you will end up having to buy 20-30 websites (for each iphone case). Rather, I would target iphone cases and dedicate my site to that and accessories.
escape11 Premium
any printable version of this guide available?
Kyle Premium Plus
No, there is no print feature with our content here at WA...it is all online based.,
Kushmeup Premium
So the home page should just be an intro to your site with some links and no keywords? Then have pages with a main keyword as the title and then have keywords relevent to the title in the content? Where would I put the outbound affiliate links in all this content?
Kyle Premium Plus
It can be an intro to your site, it could be your blog roll, it could target the keywords of your website if you want as well. You are going to be putting outbound links to affiliate programs as you start building out the content, if you do this too early though Google will end up punishing your rankings.
pls how do i send my articles to streetarticles?
Andrew4Study Premium
You have to go to streetarticles.com and sign up for an account. After that you will be able to publish your article.
vannii Premium
All great idea!