Marketing With Facebook Page Systems

Creating the initial business or person of interest page

Getting setup is fairly simple as far as getting your page fabricated:

Of you are at all familiar with Facebook and using its personal pages then you will be instantly at ease with getting the the create page button. If not its just as simple to learn, if at this time you do not have a personal Facebook profile setup you should do so.

  1. Under your logged in profile, release the profile options drop down menu.
  2. Select Create Page from the list.

Now you will be met with another series of options, pretty straight forward but you will want to pay extra care as this has more to do with the representation aspect of your page creation.

Most options can be changed in the future relatively easy enough but its always safe to anticipate how you may see the expansion of you business or representation or promotional.

How To Get The Most From Business Or People Facebook Pages

With the completion of the last step you should see a screen much like this,

Page Selection and Niche Market Selection:

These pages much like our Affiliate Marketing Websites must be met with just as much care and attention to detail as these will be indexed into search engines as well and ultimately will help you extend you brand reach.

Take special care to make sure:

  1. Pages Are reflecting of Niche Market

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Create A Facebook Page - Author Content, Build Out Page, Images Etc.
2. Create A Facebook Profile (Optional)

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AngieKitts Premium
This is very useful thanks
AngieKitts Premium
This is very useful thanks
herinnelson Premium
Great training! So excited to work through it! Thank you for making it available!! Glad to connect!
TaniaHersel Premium
This has been really helpful and look forward to your other trainings.
Thank you for putting this together.
esteadman Premium
This is very good training on an important topic. I've been using Facebook for a while now for posting pages from my websites. However, you have added some new insights that will improve my social presence. For example, creating and attaching a social group. This will make my FB page more interactive. Up until now it has been a passive exercise, ask for likes and comments, and hope visitors will click a link to come to my website.
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely be following up on them.
Rwstretch Premium
It works phenomenal, I'll be updating the training more as I go. I manage a 7.5k social club so it stirs a lot of traffic as you can imagine.

- Ross