Advanced Functions:

Its vast structure of options can be overwhelming but I will guide you through the process of buttoning it up just right. There are a lot to choose from but more importantly there are only a few that will matter to you.

Under the (General) settings tab , you will probably want to get your messaging set up first to maintain contact with visitors and entertain potential conversions or offer service to customers.

As we carry on through the module, I will be taking each tab under this menu and making a corresponding lesson. This will help to break down further the process of creating and building out your page content.

the more you see this page the more i want you to remember that in its rawest form it is just the basics

  • General
  • Messaging
  • Edit Page
  • Messenger Platform

Maybe a few others in that order but not many. I will always keep thing short and sweet but as informative as possible in any of my training.

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Enable & Explore Messaging Tab - Located Under The General Settings Tab
2. Explore & Enable Reviews Tab - For Other Affiliates Feedback
3. Enable & Explore Page Roles Tab - For Other Account Permissions

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AngieKitts Premium
This is very useful thanks
AngieKitts Premium
This is very useful thanks
herinnelson Premium
Great training! So excited to work through it! Thank you for making it available!! Glad to connect!
TaniaHersel Premium
This has been really helpful and look forward to your other trainings.
Thank you for putting this together.
esteadman Premium
This is very good training on an important topic. I've been using Facebook for a while now for posting pages from my websites. However, you have added some new insights that will improve my social presence. For example, creating and attaching a social group. This will make my FB page more interactive. Up until now it has been a passive exercise, ask for likes and comments, and hope visitors will click a link to come to my website.
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely be following up on them.
Rwstretch Premium
It works phenomenal, I'll be updating the training more as I go. I manage a 7.5k social club so it stirs a lot of traffic as you can imagine.

- Ross