Creating & Attaching A Social Group
Once your page has seen some action and possibly more interaction, you may decide that you would like to entertain housing a following or micro social community one geared or interested in your cause or product (Brand).
Creating groups house a bunch of benefits:
- Organize a marketing team for think tanking new ideas as a collective
- Create a community that backs your brand ( Clothing Line & Accessories Etc )
- Create and affiliate boot-camp or promotions community
- Cross posting as or between multiple pages you own
Virtually the possibilities are endless, this can be done on a number of social platforms, social grouping is a useful tool in the process of becoming a marketer. Building strong connections with customers followers and other marketers is paramount .
You will notice as you post more frequently your links will also be bound to the group - Avoiding paying for advertisement is the main objective. Being a able to grow a constructive social following that is productive to what your are trying to achieve is priceless.
Using the numbers of community to work together is something that is unrivaled anywhere. with Facebook slowly limiting their capability of advertising out side of their marketing platform is seemingly impossible these days. But its not, becoming a marketer these days forces us to adapt.
They say that 7% of your friends list will ever see your posts now, and that is fine because we will create communities where 7% is a huge number and where 7% odds of a conversion will greater then non in the first place.
- In the next module to come i will be discussing more in depth what it takes to see a social group created, run and grown. Just like our website endeavors, housing these little communities is an art but it is very rewarding for those who work at it. Having a community that supports an entire brand is easily the most successful around.
Top Helpers in This Lesson
Thank you for putting this together.
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely be following up on them.