I appreciate that there are numerous scenarios with different types of comments. The aim in this very simple training was just to introduce the idea that comments are about engagement, but you have absolute control over how you manipulate that.

To summarise remember the following

  1. Other than direct spam, most comments are an opportunity for you to reach out to your readers and for them to see you as participating in a conversation not just lecturing them from the page.
  2. Even if you struggle to answer a comment the fact that you've acknowledged someone's efforts will make them more inclined to revisit and maybe add more next time (or more importantly buy something)
  3. How you respond to people on the page says a lot more about you than it does about the commentator, remember you are always selling yourself.
  4. People who have made an effort to comment will usually check back to see that they have been included in the conversation or how you replied to their question, even if they don't add to it.
  5. In sales they say the customer is always right - in marketing the comments are always right (even if there're not)

I'd love to hear other thoughts and ideas for working with and managing difficult comments, hope you enjoyed the training and don't forget to leave a comment :)

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LindaSMcRae Premium
Hello Marie, this is some great training! You opened my eyes to the use of the comments to my benefit. That is something I haven't thought about in that way. Thanks so much!
MHainsworth Premium
Hi Linda you're welcome and thanks for reading, I'm glad you found it useful I think personally it can take away some of the headaches of dealing with comments.
JewelCarol Premium
Thanks very much, Marie, it is a great training. :))
MHainsworth Premium
Thanks Jewel Carol and everyone who's commented I appreciate the feedback :)
2Al Premium
Great training. Thank you for sharing.
bsmith1222 Premium
Thanks for sharing Marie
gardenguy Premium
Thank you for this, Marie. I plan to entertain (ask for) reply commenting in my main blog when I launch it. Although I have wondered how controlling it will work.....and how much time I am going to have to devote to the sorting and answering. Your tutorial helps me think it through.
MHainsworth Premium
No problem Wayne thanks for the comment, on most sites you do at least get the chance to plan your response before the comment is actually published, which does take the pressure off slightly.