Remember that the Audience reports can be found in the left side menu on the Google Analytics page.
These reports are great for understanding the characteristics of your users.Within the Audience section you can access the reports:
- Overview
- Active Users (how many users have at least one session on your site)
- Demographics (age & gender)
- Interest
- Geo (from what country and language)
- Behavior (new versus returning)
- Technology (use this to fine tune your site)
- Mobile
For example, you could chose geo to look at where most of your users are coming from or you could look at reports under Technology and Browser & OS to identify issues with certain browsers on your site.
There are many reports and combinations of reports that you can take advantage of here but you need to spend some time with this to understand the power of it.Let me leave you with one more tip. You can use the Compare Icon in the upper right corner of the screen to compare how each one does in relationship to others.
There is much more to learn here but this training could go on all day. You need to take what I am showing you here and go to Google Analytics and try the different report settings out.Next, Let's jump into the Acquisition Reports.
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