You see all these little buttons just above where the text is like B, I, U, S. These are formatting elements. Sometimes, you can't get the element to do what you want or you want to use an element not there.

One very important tip I have failed to mention so far is that with every element there is an open code and a close code. You have seen them in the examples we have looked at so far. For example:

<A href></a>

However, there are some elements that you can get away without using the close code. As good HTML practice, it is best to include your close code every time.

The one element you can use without ever using the close is <br>. I wanted to make sure you know about the <br> because it is for a line break. So, if something appears too close to something else in the visual view, go into text and at that point on your page add the <br>

With the formatting elements, this is especially important. For example, if you don't close the bold, you may end up with more BOLD words than you wanted.LOL

Here is a list of several Formatting Elements:

  • <b></b> BOLD
  • <i></i> Italicize
  • <p></p> Paragraph
  • <h#></h#> Headers
  • <u></u> Underline
  • <font></font Font
  • <center></center> Center in the middle of page

I found a great reference page for you of a lot of the Text Formatting codes.

You can go into the Text tab of your post and add any of these to your page to make it look better. Play around with them.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Write a couple of paragraphs on anything you want. Then go through and add some of these formatting elements to your page.
2. Share your final Page to the comments.

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AffilateMAN Premium
Last time i tried to use html & make some modifications to my site but it is saying that i don't have right to do that modification & i should contact the i stop my modifications.thank you for the helpfull lesson
edensbox Premium
Whenever you do editor, It is going to put up a big warning that you are changing them and should do it a different way.

Since we do not have access, well, I can't get my ftp to work, its the only other way you have to change a file. Its a warning and can hit ok and go back in
DBlanchard Premium Plus
Thank you Eden, very well explained and easy to follow!!!
edensbox Premium
THank you :) Glad you liked it. Get ready for HTML2
suzieq Premium
Hey Eden, is there a way to make changes to the title? I’d like to make it bold and a larger font. My theme won’t let me.
edensbox Premium
Depends on the theme and the CSS but we can look at it. What theme are you using?
jmaurice Premium
This is the type of training that will benefit you in your current and future campaigns. its long-term uses what makes it so valuable. Thanks for your tutelage
edensbox Premium
Thank you Jmaurice. There is lost more content to come with the HTML topic!
Nick-at-WA Premium
It worked! This is so cool...:)
edensbox Premium
Nick, I am so glad you found it helpful. I am going to write a Level 2 that will go deeper into some of the code.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks, I'll wait for that.