Lastly, believe it or not, reading and writing can help get you out your dreaded block.

This has to do with one's focus. Yes, focus is paramount with writing. It allows us to "stay on point" and get our thought communicated to our reader.

When you hit that wall to where what you write doesn't make sense to you, or you can't organize any thought in your head, this is when reading someone else's writing can help you out.

Here is where you can change your thought patterns into "research mode." As you well know, it is good to have competition in your chosen niche. So take a look at what the competition is doing.

  • Read some of your competition's blogs
  • Check out some of the comments made on their posts
  • Write your own comments on competitor's page
  • Check the search engines for their ranking

When you read someone else's writing that is in the same niche as yours, it will tend to give you a more focused thought process. To refine your thought process even more, look for content in relation to one of your posts to see if you can expand, thus giving you more quality content.


I know you are saying,"Are you kidding me?!?"

Believe it or not, yes......writing can help. But not on what you are "blocked" on.

Open up a word processor page and just write:

  • Write about your day
  • Write about a trip you took
  • Write about a subject that has no relation to your niche
  • Write a letter to a friend

When you write about something other than what you are blocked on, it will re-direct your focus and aid in directing your thoughts.

You can equate this to a "writing drill" or just practice on your word use and sentence construction.

In other words, you really don't have to think about what you have to write, you just write.

Be Creative and Productive

I hope you have enjoyed this training on how to get past writer's block.

This is my first attempt at offering training for the family here at Wealthy Affiliate.

I hope to offer more in the future.

Please leave comments to whether this helped or if I can do something to improve it.

Likes are always appreciated.

All my Best,

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Read competitor's websites
2. Write comments on competitor's webpages
3. Write something unrelated to your niche to get past your block

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Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Greg,
Such a great tutorial and it is a great feature to use the tasks at the end of each page as a summary. I have often thought that when the dreaded block hits, one has to just keep writing. I guess many of us try to write something in a way that is different to how we speak.
Writing as though we were chatting with someone certainly frees up my mind.

Thanks again,
Seahawk8058 Premium
Always a pleasure. Thanks for contributing Duncan.
viyee Premium
Hi Gregory, Excellent training. Thank you for sharing.
Seahawk8058 Premium
My pleasure. Thanks for the kind words.
Ultimateless Premium
I can't think of what to write, can you help me?

Great tutorial, easy to follow and complete. Do you send my certification by mail or Bertie?
Seahawk8058 Premium
Sure I can help......Take my other course for $299. LOL!

Bertie had the certification engraved on the bottom of his hoof...Where do you want the stamp?
Ultimateless Premium
ROFL! Good one Greg!
Seahawk8058 Premium
I have my moments. LOL!
Ultimateless Premium
I'm still laughing.
rosieM Premium
I truly enjoyed this tutorial; great job! Loved the layout and 'flow' of the tutorial....
Seahawk8058 Premium
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Mike-Writes Premium
Excellent tutorial, Greg. Writer's block is something everyone experiences at some point.
Seahawk8058 Premium
Thank you very much for your support.