Does something like this make you laugh?

Or maybe this?

Laughter is one of the greatest releases of endorphins in the human brain. It gives that necessary break from the seriousness that we place ourselves under when we work.

Pictures and Video to Provoke Content

We all know about YouTube and other sources of video content.

All of them have search fields to where we can place words that are particular to our niche to see what is out there.

You may find that someone out there has created a video about something that you can either write about, or even write better about. In some cases, you can use it in a review in what not to do, or use it a support to a point or issue that you want to blog about.S

Doing this will help your creativity through sparking your thought process.

Use Google images or any of the other search engine's image search.

Just type in some of the keywords that you have used for your site and see what comes up in the images and see what is out there.

Click on the image and see what site it leads you to.

This can help with expanding your thought process and blog content to increase your site health.

Next I'll talk about reading and writing......(What? I have writer's block! How can I write at this moment!!!) ......You'll see in the next section.

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Look at something funny to make you laugh
2. Look at YouTube to provoke thought for your niche
3. Look at Google Images with keywords from your niche

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Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Greg,
Such a great tutorial and it is a great feature to use the tasks at the end of each page as a summary. I have often thought that when the dreaded block hits, one has to just keep writing. I guess many of us try to write something in a way that is different to how we speak.
Writing as though we were chatting with someone certainly frees up my mind.

Thanks again,
Seahawk8058 Premium
Always a pleasure. Thanks for contributing Duncan.
viyee Premium
Hi Gregory, Excellent training. Thank you for sharing.
Seahawk8058 Premium
My pleasure. Thanks for the kind words.
Ultimateless Premium
I can't think of what to write, can you help me?

Great tutorial, easy to follow and complete. Do you send my certification by mail or Bertie?
Seahawk8058 Premium
Sure I can help......Take my other course for $299. LOL!

Bertie had the certification engraved on the bottom of his hoof...Where do you want the stamp?
Ultimateless Premium
ROFL! Good one Greg!
Seahawk8058 Premium
I have my moments. LOL!
Ultimateless Premium
I'm still laughing.
rosieM Premium
I truly enjoyed this tutorial; great job! Loved the layout and 'flow' of the tutorial....
Seahawk8058 Premium
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Mike-Writes Premium
Excellent tutorial, Greg. Writer's block is something everyone experiences at some point.
Seahawk8058 Premium
Thank you very much for your support.