1. Weighed myself, and took a picture of myself in workout clothes.
  2. Got myself a personal body fat test.
  3. Started working out 3-5x a week, 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weight training.
  4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, protein and cut down on my carbs.
  5. Do intermittent fasting- 8 hours of eating and 16 of not eating and one 24 hour fasting period a week.

So what is the take away from all of this?

Well it is 2019 and by this time next year you could be at your ideal weight enjoying everything you wanted to do or be at the same place as you are right now.

You are in charge of you! No one else will do it for you, Your mind moves your body. You control your body and you control what you eat.

Losing weight is not magical, it something you get when you implement a plan of action and it is simple.

The time is now my friend to lose the weight! Get your life back it is yours and you deserve great happiness and you will feel like a new person.

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Rich908 Premium
Informative ..thanks

Shaheel1 Premium
This is a good piece of information. It is quite true.
lesabre Premium
BMI is a general measurement and as you pointed out does not take into consideration your frame. By the way you are 54 years young not the other way around. Thank you for your post. I found it very informative. All the best
alisterbrede Premium
Quite agrees, BMI does not take into account muscle mass. At 249 lbs which I have to convert into kilos to understand. That is 112.9kgs, you must have quite a lot of muscle. To have any meaning we would have to know how tall you are, but.I guess you work out a lot.
Kav Premium
So if you have big bones, BMI will be inaccurate? I suppose it's still a good guide.
TommyVTE Premium
Heavy bones give only about max 1.5 kg more weight