An Intelligent Approach

An intelligent business approach can make you a success in Internet Marketing. You will have a lot to learn, a never ending process. But you can with time, give up your day job if you like and make your living on the Internet.

Diligence Required

Not everyone is able to do this. Some don’t have the patients and diligence required. Too many expect to get rich overnight because that is what the gurus tell them. It takes time to grow a business.

Some marketers, like me, spread themselves too thin. They have two many businesses going at the same time for one manager, you, to handle. That just doesn’t work.

In this racket you must supply what somebody wants or needs and has the money to buy it.

Continual Testing

Continual testing is advised to make a business successful. Most don’t think this is necessary. If a page is not promoting to the point where a reader will click on a link, then it is time to revise it.

Some folks like to use copywriters who know how to feed on the emotions of the reader. But relevant meaningful content is the key to success.

I hope that is tutorial will be helpful to those just starting into this exciting business. Little detail was given here. You will get that from your training. But members help members here at WAU.

Good Luck!

Get Rich!


Next Part VII References and Helps

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lauradews Premium
Great article TJ Books, lots to learn, thank you.
TJ Books Premium
Perhaps a different perspective, Laura. Thank you and you are also welcome. John
hart48 Premium
WOW! A lot of info and very timely for me. Thank you.
TJ Books Premium
I'm not trying to teach as much as to inform. The training by Carson and Kyle is very important, Betty, but sometimes a look down from the mountain helps. And you are welcome. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are now in order. Took a while to fix two tutorials but finally got it to work after wasting a lot of time. Getting too old for this game I guess. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are still out of order but I left it up for now. The article with pages in order, all one big page, is on my website.

TJ Books Premium
I sent a PM to Kyle telling him this printed in reverse order. John