Going Into Business on the Internet

Going into business on the Internet is not just building a website. You should have a business plan, however brief.

That is you should have a model for your business.

You should have a purpose for your business.

You should have ways to present your products and draw potential buyers to them.

You have to decide what is needed to start and what is needed to sustain your business. "How much is this thing going to cost anyway!" Your spouse might say that.

This process does not have to be complicated but you should put some thought into your business before you start.

You might look at a business plan. I wrote a blog on this so you may want to read it. Check my bio (tjbooks).

You will need a philosophy for your business. Big companies make a mission statement. Maybe you should to. "Our mission is to supply the best solution for those suffering from psoriasis."

Your Message to Your Market

Remember that you are supplying a need and that your readers will not have your background or interest in some cases. Therefore you need to be comprehensive in your treatment of your message. You are, after all, the "expert" that is going to help them solve their problem.

One thing that has always amazed me about WAU is the knowledge possessed by our members. New members often bring in their expertise. So you will want to communicate with other members for the same reason that local merchants join the Chamber of Commerce. Business people talk to each other. Having said this, some things you may want to keep to yourself so that you can develop your project with less competition. WAU is not your marketplace.

Building a Website

Once you have found your niche and have found a keyword domain name, you can build your website.

Most hosting companies have WordPress available for site building. With WordPress you can build your site quickly and then add the content.

If you are a Startup Member at WAU, you can start with a siterubix.com site which is a good way to start. It is a good way to test concepts too and siterubix site are indexed by search engines.

I always have a few siterubix.com sites going. I’m a premium member in my forth year so I can have as many siterubix.com sites as I need or want. (I also host here at WAU because it is free to Premium members.)

Note: Not to digress too much, but it cost me nothing to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, I make money each year just by promoting WAU and JAAXY. Also, I always pay annually for much greater savings. I suggest that new members consider this method of financing WAU. I know that it cost more for one course at our local community college than it does to belong to WAU for a year.

When building a website, follow the instructions given by Kyle and others. You want your site acceptable to search engines so make sure you have an "about" page and a "privacy" page. How to write these pages is in the tutorials at WAU. See References at the end of this tutorial.

I use only a few plugins. They are Akismet, All in One SEO Pack, Sociable, Google Analytics for WP, Google XML Sitemaps, Smart Youtube Pro, WP Hit Counter, and Spamfree WP. Sometimes I may use other plugins for a specific purpose. How to use these is in the WAU tutorials and blogs.

Next Part V: They Will Come!

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lauradews Premium
Great article TJ Books, lots to learn, thank you.
TJ Books Premium
Perhaps a different perspective, Laura. Thank you and you are also welcome. John
hart48 Premium
WOW! A lot of info and very timely for me. Thank you.
TJ Books Premium
I'm not trying to teach as much as to inform. The training by Carson and Kyle is very important, Betty, but sometimes a look down from the mountain helps. And you are welcome. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are now in order. Took a while to fix two tutorials but finally got it to work after wasting a lot of time. Getting too old for this game I guess. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are still out of order but I left it up for now. The article with pages in order, all one big page, is on my website. http://internetbusinesstoolcenter.com/internet-marketing-essentials

TJ Books Premium
I sent a PM to Kyle telling him this printed in reverse order. John