Finding a Niche Market

There are a number of ways to search for a niche market.

One way is to go to DMOZ, the Open Directory Project, and look at the main categories from Art to Sports. Select a major topic and then dig down into the subcategories. Once you find a narrow interest, then go to the Internet and search for forums on that subject. There, join a few forums and start contributing. Get to know folks and see what they are in need of or where there is at least a perceived need.

Amazon is another great place to find small markets. So is Ebay. You can see what the top sellers are for example. Sometimes such products will fit into the content of your website and you can earn commissions from Amazon, etc. But the thing to remember is that you are searching for markets.

Keyword Research

If you go to, you can search subjects in many different languages and from six different sources including the Internet. You will find thousands of keywords and keyword phrases which you can evaluate with a keyword tool. You can also find keywords by looking at Google Suggest, the keywords Google shows you as you type in their search box.

I suggest JAAXY as your keyword tool. You can make a number of free searches before you subscribe. You will be able to find the number of searches being made each month and you will see how many competitive websites there are. You can also find affiliate programs to promote.

JAAXY does not depend on Google and the information is accurate.

Using keyword research and working forums should put you into a position to find a niche market. Once you find a niche, or what you think is a niche, you will have to test out the market.

Next Part IV: Going Into Business

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lauradews Premium
Great article TJ Books, lots to learn, thank you.
TJ Books Premium
Perhaps a different perspective, Laura. Thank you and you are also welcome. John
hart48 Premium
WOW! A lot of info and very timely for me. Thank you.
TJ Books Premium
I'm not trying to teach as much as to inform. The training by Carson and Kyle is very important, Betty, but sometimes a look down from the mountain helps. And you are welcome. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are now in order. Took a while to fix two tutorials but finally got it to work after wasting a lot of time. Getting too old for this game I guess. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are still out of order but I left it up for now. The article with pages in order, all one big page, is on my website.

TJ Books Premium
I sent a PM to Kyle telling him this printed in reverse order. John