What You Need is Traffic

You can build a beautiful website with good content but nobody will be able to take action if nobody is there. Say that you are directing a reader to click on a link at the bottom of a post or page. One out of 100 readers might click on the link. Of those that click, some fraction will purchase your product or service.

It’s a numbers game.

Here is how I attract traffic:


I find that providing relevant information in blogs is an effective way to drive traffic to my sites. It can be more effective than many other methods. People are looking for relevant information. That is a main reason for surfing the web. I suggest that you blog several times a week. You can blog too much but I don’t think there is much danger in that. A new site can submit posts everyday.

Social Marketing

I use the Sociable plugin which puts the links to the social sites at the bottom of each page and post. I use Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Digg and Linkedin. I guess the more the better. I only link when I update or publish. Some folks like to live on Twitter and Facebook. I don’t. I want to go fishing with my grandson.

Article Marketing

I have written many hundreds of articles on the Internet. I use to keep myself in the top 100 at EZA but I no longer want to spend my time doing that. I do write some for StreetArticles.com but I’m much more inclined to blog these days after Kyle gave me some information on the high effectiveness of blogging. I always write articles when I put up a new site. It is a fast way to get an article indexed pointing to your site.

Email Marketing

I use Aweber. I don’t like email marketing even though it is an effective way to promote. I should email every week but I’m not inclined to do so. However, it is an important way to market.


I’ve tried PPC a few times and Google and others are always trying to get me to use their experts to make my campaigns effective. Some marketers are very good at this. I’m not. I lose money. I don’t suggest this for new promoters. WA has some excellent training in this area. (See the references)

Next Part VI: Conclusion

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lauradews Premium
Great article TJ Books, lots to learn, thank you.
TJ Books Premium
Perhaps a different perspective, Laura. Thank you and you are also welcome. John
hart48 Premium
WOW! A lot of info and very timely for me. Thank you.
TJ Books Premium
I'm not trying to teach as much as to inform. The training by Carson and Kyle is very important, Betty, but sometimes a look down from the mountain helps. And you are welcome. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are now in order. Took a while to fix two tutorials but finally got it to work after wasting a lot of time. Getting too old for this game I guess. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages are still out of order but I left it up for now. The article with pages in order, all one big page, is on my website. http://internetbusinesstoolcenter.com/internet-marketing-essentials

TJ Books Premium
I sent a PM to Kyle telling him this printed in reverse order. John