The 5-5-5 15 Minutes a day to more targeted followers on Instagram

This is where the 5, 5, 5, SYSTEM comes into play!
It’s just 15 minutes a day in a single block where you can work your Instagram account without it stealing your TIME, and we all know that we are in this to get MORE time right?

This is not a race and following and liking at a rapid rate will set of alarm bells in Instagram.

Set a timer so that you don't go over or under your target 5 minutes.

Be observant of the posts that you interact with :- Are they really targeted? Are they really the type of account that will be good for business?

Step 1 Button #5 your news feed
5 minutes – Your Followers – randomly choose your followers profiles from a picture that appears in your news feed. Work through their account and LIKE 3 photos and leave 1 COMMENT on a photo that you have liked. Remember to tag them in the comment using their @name (If you need a refresher then go to Instagram 1)

Step 2 Button #4 the search bar 5 minutes - Choose a Hashtag # that is relevant to your target market and search for content with this # using the search bar at the top of this #5 screen. For example if you are into weight management you could search #diet #nutrition #exercise. Like the photos that show in the results of the search with that # At this stage it is tempting to just go on a mission, but remember Instagram JAIL and act like a person and not a ROBOT!

Step 3 Button #4 search bar 5 minutes - Choose another relevant hashtag # and using the search bar find a new set of pictures to work with. This time go into each profile and do 3 photo LIKES and 1 COMMENT, remember to tag them in the post with their @name

Instagram is a very friendly place, If you interact with people they will generally come to your profile and do the same. The point is that you are targeting these people using niche specific hashtags and common sense.

Try this for a week and watch your numbers. I will be talking about your numbers of ?Followers and the amount of people that you are following in the next training

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Funkydunc208 Premium
Some great strategies here, Cath. You have a great understanding of Instagram and thank you for the warning about JAIL!
CathH1 Premium Plus
You're welcome Duncan. Every form of social media has some form of jail for auto posting, rapid posting and repetitive posting.
agirl-afloat Premium
I'm new to this discussion so apologies if it has already been covered... Here's my question: Do you have a similar strategy for Twitter?
CathH1 Premium Plus
Yes, the 555 works well for twitter too. Although I do like to do twitter on a computer so I can see the bio and be more selective with who I follow.
agirl-afloat Premium
Thanks so much for the helpful training! My Instagram followers are already growing. I can't wait to put out more content:)
CathH1 Premium Plus
this is great news, thanks for letting me know. Don't forget to follow through the rest of the training as there is a training on how to unfollow too :-)
johnwnewman Premium
This is a great series! Thanks Cath :-)
CathH1 Premium Plus
Thanks John :-)
JewelCarol Premium
Great training, thanks for taking the time, Cath.:)
CathH1 Premium Plus
Glad you like it Jewel. Thanks :-)
GrahamHod Premium
Excellent i am eager to give this a try never used it before. Now i have a reason hehe
CathH1 Premium Plus
So glad this is working now. It's been posted but showing an error for a couple of days.
The 555 is the easiest way to build an account manually without taking up your time.
GrahamHod Premium
Brill thanks again for this Ill.let you know how i get on :)
CathH1 Premium Plus
You know I might just add a place for people to put a screen shot if their accounts like an accountability post.
GrahamHod Premium
yeah sounds great