METHOD 2: To Use an Existing Pretty Link

This example is for creating a pretty link when the anchor text is different, but you want to use the same existing pretty link that you previously created.

1. Before you can use a pretty link previously created, you must have first created the raw link in your article with anchor text.

2. Highlight the anchor text and the target URL will appear.

3. Hover over the target URL and right click the URL to copy the link address.

4. Click on the pretty link star icon to open the popup screen to use a pretty link already created.

5. Click on the pretty link star icon to open the popup screen to create a new pretty link.

  • Notice that the anchor text you previously highlighted has propagated into the “Link Text” box.

5. Target URL: Paste the target URL you copied from the page/post.

6. Click on the “Use Existing Pretty Link” box located at the bottom of the popup screen. That box will move from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen (positioned under the “Create New Pretty Link” box), and it outlines in blue.

7. Slug: Type in the shorten name of your existing pretty link.

  • When you search by the existing pretty link, the target URL and the pretty link information will automatically propagate to the popup screen.
  • Check (√) the box to open this pretty link in a new window/tab.

8. Click “Insert Existing Pretty Link.”

9. Check your article to see that the existing pretty link inserted correctly. Use the same method as you did in #2 to see the existing pretty link URL.

This next example provides a method for you to search for an existing pretty link when the anchor text is different, but you want to use the same pretty link that you previously created.

The process actions for this example are the same for items #1 through #6.

  • Notice that after you clicked on the “Use Existing Pretty Link,” the screen appearance has now changed the “Slug” box to a “Search” box.

7. Search bySlug, Title, or Target URL: Since you are using a pretty link that you previously created and exists in your pretty links list page, you need to tell the plugin how you want it to search for the existing pretty link. These are the three choices.

  • In this part of the action, we are searching with the Target URL.

8. You should be able to paste the target URL again in the search box by left-clicking in the “Search” box to place the cursor in the box and then left click and select “paste”. If not, go back to the instructions in items #2 and #3 in the beginning process.

  • After you paste in the target URL, a drop-down menu will appear that contains some existing pretty links for you to choose the one you want. (Unfortunately, every time I clicked on my snipping tool to get an image of the drop-down pretty links the drop-down would vanish).

9. Select the existing pretty link from the drop-down list you want to use for that anchor text.

  • Check (√) the box to open this pretty link in a new window/tab.

10. Click “Insert Existing Pretty Link.”

11. Check your article to see that the existing pretty link inserted correctly. Use the same method as you did in #2 to see the existing pretty link URL.

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URWRight Premium
Incredible, perfect match for my learning styles. Thank you
Biashara58 Premium
Thank you Verna8767. I needed this information, and it came at the right time.
verna8767 Premium
Thank you so much. I am glad that the training was useful to you because it has been a great help to me! So much easier than going back and forth to the plugin.

I appreciate you taking the time out to review my training.
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx, V.
verna8767 Premium
You're welcome, Michelle! Thanks for taking time from your busy day to take a look see and respond!
davehayes Premium
I do mine, exactly like this.
verna8767 Premium
what?!! Where were you when I was asking what was that icon for? LOL! No one seemed to know what it was for so I researched myself!!!!

Thanks for checking it out Dave!
davehayes Premium
LOL : ) when you were asking I was working my way through bootcamp and the OEC... but at least we know now and they are good as well, having initially not thought so
verna8767 Premium
Well, that reason is good enough for me! Hope all is going good for you.

davehayes Premium
Yes it gets better as it goes on and now have promotions sosrted out as well, so fairly happy all in all, likewise I hope you are doing okay as well.
Larmu189 Premium
Great training. Thank you for share
verna8767 Premium
Thank you Larmu. I find creating pretty links in the visual editor is so much easier than going back and forth to the pretty link plugin to get the job done.

The only downfall to this method is that you can't create or assign a group when you do it in the WordPress visual editor. You will still have to go into the pretty link plugin to do that. However, the method does still save time.

Thanks for taking the time to review this training.