3. Republish and Update Old Content Constantly
The act of updating and republishing some old content seems to be lethargically unpleasant to some folks out there. They feel it is not a necessary task to improve their websites. But it shouldn’t be the case with everyone. The more the content published on your site, the better and fresher the page’s feed will be.
When you continue adding and publishing more fresh content on your site, the older blog posts will continually go deeper on your site architecture as they’ll probably start showing up on page 4, 5, 6 or more of your Real Single Syndication (RSS) feed.
Thus, the most prominent strategy to implement here is constantly updating and republishing the older posts on your blog’s feed. Log in your WordPress back office and regularly update some of your old content. Leverage the current date and republish those posts to start improving your site’s performance in SERPs.
Doing this regularly will ensure that you keep adding more strategic keywords and relevant resources to your feed which will, of course, trigger the traffic more and more and re-rank the long lost content over the long haul. And the re-updated old content which has gone deeper on your site architecture will now start appearing again on the first page of your feed.